Personally I am most excited about the anouncements of "docwise" making big steps to keep up with BrowZine & Read (Integration -"Open in"- with Dropbox, Evernote and more, save and email full text articles), but making a hug jump with unique features, like shareable Folders with docwise users ánd a RSS reader feature (boldly called Google Reader replacement!). Bring it on!
- just published the Android Version of their App to which the CMB UMCG now has a subscription. To be downloaded from Google Play Store or Amazon App Store
- the following publishers have been added
- Project MUSE
- Cambridge University Press
- American Marketing Association
- Academy of Management
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- American Geophysical Union
- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
- Ecological Society of America
- Mary Ann Liebert
- Medical publishers using the Silverchair platform
- More Highwire publisher!
- Announced for the near future:
- American Meteorological Association,
- Thieme,
- Informa,
- de Gruyter,
- Karger
- Tools for Libraries- Page has been extended
- Announced as new features for the near future:
- adding annotations,
- supporting direct export to RefWorks and Mendeley, and
- adding push notifications.
- Check the Feedback Support Page for user suggestions
- Read the full News Bulletin here
- docwise has now full text access for over 240 institutions worldwide. A simple email is enough to set-up YOUR institution. It's free.
- Announced features & enhancements (within 30 days):
- Integration with Dropbox, Evernote and more
- Folders that you can create and share with all other docwise users
- The ability to email and save full text articles
- Replace your Google Reader (finally!) with the ability to add any RSS feed
- An even more sophisticated topics adding capability
- no news found
- Read the update news
- Support for following ‘keywords’ ie custom search terms. (Previously you could search but not save your keywords.)
- Support for all of biological & health sciences.
- Read papers on the web, not PDF, when using your iPhone
- Use Read on the Web, search