Just listened in tonight at a very crowded live audio session via OPAL of Michael Stephens (www.tametheweb.com)with his presentation of the Top Ten Technologies for Libraries 2006. The slides are available at: http://www.opal-online.org/Stephens200604_files/frame.htm and the audio recording, including text chat session is also there! http://www.opal-online.org/archivelis.htm
About 330 visitors were there at the same time, looking, listening and chatting.
IM : Instant Messaging *
OpenSource Software *
SMS Text Messaging
Social Software *
User-created content *
Mashing-up services *
It is all getting down to "getting a presence" as a library for the users. Show you are there and available for them.
Creating conversation, with real voice or with "comments on" on blogs or websites.
User involvement: these technologies make this very easy to get the users to work with innovation and developments of library services in an early stage.
Use Social software as a library and get visible in there.
Let the users see you are keeping up and using new technologies to improve services.
I really liked some of the ideas Michael has mentioned and will be coming back with some specifics later!
* =My personal top 5: OpenSource Software, Mashing-up Services, Social Software, Instant Messaging and User-created content.
Tags: technology, libraries, library2.0, OPAL