Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Search engines increase online journal use more than open access : small research in BMJ News

The enabling of search engines to find content in journal/Publishers websites is very effective for increasing the readership of academic journals. Is this a shocking result? No, but the researchers at the Centre for Publishing at University College London wanted to find the proof and "used a deep log analysis, which collects “digital fingerprints” of users of specific internet sites, to track use of the online version of Nucleic Acids Research" They also were abled to proof that "the introduction of open access publishing in January 2005 achieved a small further increase of about 19% in use of the journal. Most of this increase came from eastern European countries" The statement that "Search engines increase online journal use more than open access" is a bit weird. What kind of increase would there have been when only the introduction of open access was achieved? That way all search engines would have picked up these articles and the increase would have been ..... Or am I wrong? The interesting part is mostly to read what open access costs them and what policy this Publisher is using. Tags: , ,

1 comment:

The Krafty Librarian said...

Another thought to consider that I was wondering but could not express as well as you did.