Here's updated list of the use of available downloads of the Netvibes Search Modules.
Please let me know if you are interested in having a specific module from any (medical or health) search database.
New! Snelzoekbalk van de Bibliotheek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (QuickSearch Toolbar of the University of Amsterdam) (90)
Consumer Health and Patient Education (120)
DermAtlas (165)
Haz-Map Search and More (45): includes
- HazMap
- ToxSeek
- PubMed
- NLM Gateway
- Agents in HazMap
- Jobs in HazMap
- Disease in HazMap
- Medical Dictionary
Helsebiblioteket QuickSearch (135)
MedlinePlus (135)
MedWorm (300)
MesH Search (Swedish & English) (105)
PubMed Search (240)
QuickSearchBox CMB (105)
Search the Helsebiblioteket (120)
ToxSeek (90)
De NL Biblioblogosphere (120)
BioMedicalLibrariesBlogs Search (225)
Dermatology (5 journals, dermAtlas plus Collection overview UMCG Dermatology) new
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