Last Thursday, December 13th a special program around Library2.0 took place. Some 45 colleagues attended and participated in a work-session to know more about Web2.0 stuff.
I am not sure if the link to the photo's is meant to be public. They published it on the Library Intranet site. If I get a green light, it will be up here asap.
Here's the list of the speakers:
- Kees Westerkamp (introduction & chair)
- Gosse Bouma: about the Semantic Web
- Henk Ellermann ( a reaction on Gosse's talk and a short but clear opinion about the context & content)
- Alice Doek: on web 2.0 at the Library of University of Amsterdam (UvA)
- Guus van den Brekel: "Library2.0 is not a Tool, but a Setting" about Library2.0 and Tools for Users at the Central Medical Library of the UMCG
Two YouTube movies were shown:
'23 Things' This was mentioned several time and refers to the website "23 Dingen'. '23 Dingen' is a learning project for Web 2.0 created for Library staff.
Alvast bedankt....
Het is een kleine opmerking maar mijn voornaam is Kees (met een K dus) :-)
De verwarring komt omdat mijn e-mailadres met een 'c' begint. Dit heeft te maken met mijn doopnamen.