Monday, September 06, 2010

PubMed Toolbar Usage

Here are some recent stats about the usage of the PubMed Toolbar (875 downloads) in order of popularity:
  1. Search (direct search in all PubMed search tool): 44.16%
  2. Main Menu: 22.01%
  3. Messages: 4.26%
  4. News: 4.26%
  5. Other: 4.23%
  6. Using PubMed: 4.07%
  7. "Alt PubMeds": 4.02%
The number of daily users is still rising slowly. At the end of August 123 users at trhe same time was the higest use so far. This means 123 users had this PubMed Toolbar open in their browser and actually used it!
Don't want to use this Toolbar?
Read the following Post to do MORE with your Toolbars: 37 ways To Adjust Your NLM Toolbar (or any Conduit Toolbar) Try also the NLM Toolbar!

(This post is also published on the Blog about All NLM Toolbars)

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