I bumped into a blog post from ChemConnectorBlog about free tools to calculate your h-index. This was posted already in 2011 and I got curious if there would be more tools available right now.
Here is a short summary of tools that can be used:
(If I missed some, please let me know via Comments please!)
- The Central Medical Library advices to use Web of Science (ISI) to calculate your h-index.
Within the UMCG this is still the generally accepted citation resource & tool.
We help patrons setting up their ResearcherID and Google Scholar Citations. - ResearcherID from Thomson Reuters offers Citation Metrics, including your h-index to be calculated from your publications.
- We calculate the h-index for patrons on request either via Web of Science (ISI) or via "Publish or Perish"
This free software makes it possible for librarians (or patrons) to create the h-index for themselves or for others.(Note: risk of getting banned temporarily from Google Scholar for requesting too much info from one ip address) - Google Citations (Scholar) can be used with a Google account to easily create, maintain and publish your personal h-index.
Currently 428 people have actived their Google Citations Page and published them. It is unknow how many actually use it without publishing their profile.
(Google's own Disclaimer: Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.) - Browser Plugin/Add-on:
- Chrome: Scholar H-Index Calculator
- FireFox: Scholar H-Index calculator
- Apps ( not all tested to the limit..., Please add your views in Comments):
- H-index Calculator (not free)(risk of getting banned temporarily from Google Scholar for requesting too much info)
- Citesearcher (free)
- Pub Exchange (PubEx) (not free)
- VMI My Citations
- Not really publishing the H-Index, but MicroSoft Academic Search deserves a place next to Google Scholar for easily generating your publication list and an citation overview. Here is the visualisation of the UMCG via Microsoft Academic Search
- If your Institution has Scopus, you can calculate your H-index too via Scopus.
- Even if you do NOT have Scopus, you can look up an author and see his/her h-index through this url: http://www.scopus.com/search/form/authorFreeLookup.url No option to combine alternative name variations. To see the h-index: Click on the Authors Name!