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Showing posts from September, 2005

Library Toolbar Tests and To Do

Search the Library databases The search-function seems to work ok with online searchengines with direct access. There is a problem with databases who let you come in on a sort of frontpage first and redirect.(Web of Science, UptoDate, Cochrane Library (Wiley). I hav to find out if it is possible to include a sort of deeplinking For PubMed at first the RUGLINKS was not included, but I managed to cut&paste the codes for the OutsideTool and F1000 in the URL. I have to include the proxy-links of our proxy-server in the URL's (if possible) to make it possible for everybody to use databases from outside the UMCG/RUG With searching the best way is to enter the searchterm first and thén choose your database, otherwise the browser will load the database website CHAT The chat function seems to work only (see other users) if you have activated the Chat-window and chosen a nickname (may by inteded).

Bring your Library to the User : LIBRARY TOOLBAR

I ran across the website of EffectiveBrand, They offer -completly free- to host your Toolbar and developed an easy-peasy buildingtool via the web. It is really just copy&paste and making some choices. If you know how to do it, it is really "a piece of cake". At you can read all about it ánd download the Toolbar for Internet Explorer or FireFox. What does the QuickSearchCMB Toolbar do for the user? Direct access to our website from anywhere on the web Immediate searching in QuickSearch Medicine van RUGCombine (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Biological Abstracts en Psychinfo) Immediate searching in Pubmed Immediate searching in your Library Catalogue Displaying Newsitems of your library without you having to go to the website (RSS-feed) View the latest UMCG dissertations in the Repository RUG (RSS-feed) Chatting with users who also are using the Toolbar Allows you to adjust the Toolbar Highlighting of y...

More issues from Brasil ICML9

Portal .periodicos. CAPES : the Brazilian national electronic library consortium for science and technology. By Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida In the public good : medical information and medical librarians in the Internet era. By Frances K. Groen, McGill University, Montreal - Canada Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) in Health Sciences : analysis of a policy initiative of free access - the case of Web site AMEDEO. By Leonardo Fernandes Souto, Bibliotecário de Referência, Biblioteca Central da UNICAMP - Campinas - Brasil Open Access Publishing : experiences with the online-journal German Medical Science. By Heike Schmidt, German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED), Cologne - Germany The Impact of Open Access for the Journal of the Medical Library Association . By T. Scott Plutchak, Librarian, University of Alabama at Birmingham - USA Services for Handheld Computer : First steps towards the Mobile Library. By Oliver Obst, Germany. These are just a few topics I want to know...

“New tricks for old dogs?” Providing an electronic Acute Current Awareness Service for clinical staff within the hospital setting

Delivering into the workflow is not enough. A push service or another form of alerting can be also very usefull. That's why i like the following: Acute Service Current Awareness Service (ASCAS) The Acute Service Current Awareness Service (ASCAS),is a multi-disciplinary information service, it is a web-based information service and it was developed by the Greenfield Medical Library, Nottingham and is jointly managed by the Department of Information Science, Loughborough University. The Greenfield Medical Library provides a range of library and information services to employees of University Hospital NHS Trust, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham City Hospital NHS Trust and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trusts. The project started in August 2004 and was launched in November during the UK National Health Libraries Week .Following several consultations with clinicians in four acute trusts in the region to agree on the format and content of the service, the main aim and object...

The BIG ISSUE: Answering information needs in workflow

My interest for the near future is focussing on "Answering information needs in the workflow" of our users. The subject has recently been adressed by the president of OCLC/PICA during the latest LIBER-conference in Groningen. It is also the subject of a ICML9 presentation from: * Eneida A. Mendonça Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA * David Kaufman Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA * Stephen B. Johnson Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA "We have a developed a multi-faceted framework which incorporates natural language processing, speech recognition, machine learning and information retrieval methods. The development work is richly informed by ethnographic studies of clinical practice, cognitive analysis of librarian search strategies, and real time capture of information needs using a range of input devices...

Designing a Library for the Future

While scaning the program of the ICML9 i ran across: Designing a library for the future: a case study on reorganization health and medical library development and innovation by Laurie L. Thompson Director of Libraries, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas - USA based on the article : Higa ML, Bunnett B, Maina B, Perkins J, Ramos T, Thompson L, et al. Redesigning a library’s organizational structure. Coll Res Lib. 2005;66(1):41-58. Have to read it one of these days ... and when i am ready i have to look at the presentation of Rick B. Forsman, Denison Memorial Library University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center Denver, USA: "Commitment to Knowledge: Design of a New Academic Health Sciences Library" I know i promised contributions of my colleages, but they must be having a real good time! Apart from two short text-messages nothing was posted to my blog, too bad. We'll hear the stories when they are back.

9th International Congress on Medical Librarianship

In the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil two of my direct colleages visit the 9th International Congress on Medical Librarianship. Timezone: -5hours . Annalies Koelstra and Sjoukje van der Werf will try to deliver their news and comments via this blog. Sjoukje will present a poster with the title "Successful Information literacy course for 2nd year Junior Scientific Masterclass (JSM) students": activity.php?lang=en&id=10 Furthermore one colleague of the University Library of Groningen, Anita Verhoeven and Frans Mast, the librarian of the Erasmus University Medical Library are enjoying the venue! The website offers great details in the scientific programme. I will try to comment on it the following week. Watch the PROMOTIONAL VIDEO My interest lies in: Wikipedia and commons based peer production in a health context Participants: Jimmy Wales President, Wikimedia Foundation - USA

The Google future : a media experience

This movie you just have to see. It pictures the recent history of the Internet, Amazon and Google and lets you in on a prediction about our world and what we do with the information worldwide. Watch The Google Way To 2015, to Google EPIC ... And let me know what you think of it. Make your comment.

The Information Desk Take(s) Over!

"Take Overs" are commonly known in the financial ánd ICT world. Everybody is used to hearing the comforting words of the ICT-helpdesk on the phone: "Well, let me have a look and i will fix it for you ..." You lay back, thank your god(s or demons) and are convinced the problem WILL be solved, right there under your own eyes. From now on the staff of the University Medical Center Groningen can expect the same soothing words for the Central Medical Libary's Information Desk. We are now abled to "take over" anybody in the buildings of the former Faculty of Medicine and the Academic Hospital Groningen, recently merged into the UMCG. we can show en demonstrate any service or information source available we help and explain how to find & access our large collection of fulltext journals and books we solve problems with Reference Manager & Word We do it on-line, while talking to you, without leaving our post. We can see (and control) your computer des...


Talking about "quick and easy", to contribute a new posting for a blog (or a syndicated part of another website). Blogging by email seems to me the most simple form. There are many restrictions , mostly about the looks, but hey! We are dealers in CONTENT & MANAGEMENT, not just about good looks.

New posting on my blog by EMAIL

Blogger makes it even more easier to submit new items to your blogs by email! This item was created by mailing to the special blogger mailaddress by my Pegasusmail-client. It is supposed to places automagically into the blog. What will it do with attachments? Guus van den Brekel Coördinator Electronische Dienstverlening Centrale Medische Bibliotheek Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen Telefoon: (363) 2632 Email: "The only person who got all his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe"