"Take Overs" are commonly known in the financial ánd ICT world.
Everybody is used to hearing the comforting words of the ICT-helpdesk on the phone: "Well, let me have a look and i will fix it for you ..."
You lay back, thank your god(s or demons) and are convinced the problem WILL be solved, right there under your own eyes.
From now on the staff of the University Medical Center Groningen can expect the same soothing words for the Central Medical Libary's Information Desk.
We are now abled to "take over" anybody in the buildings of the former Faculty of Medicine and the Academic Hospital Groningen, recently merged into the UMCG.
- we can show en demonstrate any service or information source available
- we help and explain how to find & access our large collection of fulltext journals and books
- we solve problems with Reference Manager & Word
We do it on-line, while talking to you, without leaving our post. We can see (and control) your computer desktop, your applications and files. This is of course always after you have given your permission!
Please call us, (363) 2632 or (361)2596 and let me show you!