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Showing posts from September, 2006

The Library in the Electronic Learning Environment & Google Scholar Subject limits

How do libraries present themselves IN e-learning environments?We have only a short experience in this with the launch of a special course/community within Blackboard and I want to ask people to respond and tell us what other ways they use to get visible in e-learning tools. Google Scholar Subject limits? It is always good to look at resources frequently. That is something librarians should do, keep up with all developments. Patrons don't and shouldn't have to!How long has Google Scholar been offering subject limits for the results? To cover abroad ranges I have selected two (Biology, Life Sciences, and Environmental Science & Medicine, Pharmacology, and Veterinary Science. Here's a quick and dirty search on the subject of e-learning & libraries.

Talis announces winners of International Mashing the Library Up 2006: Alliance Second Life Library Project Wins Second Place!

This information taken from the Talis website: Talis is delighted to announce the winners of the first competition intended to openly encourage innovation in the display, use, and reuse of data from and about libraries - Mashing Up The Library 2006. First Prize The First prize of Ā£1,000 was awarded to John Blyberg of Ann Arbor District Library in Ann Arbor, MI. His entry, Go-Go-Google-Gadget , shows how simply library information can be integrated into the personalised home page offered by Google, and is described by competition sponsor and member of the judging panel, Talisā€™ Paul Miller, as ā€œan excellent example of taking information previously locked inside the library catalogue and making it available to patrons in other contexts where they may spend more time than they do in their catalogue.ā€ Available information includes new and the most popular material in the library, and patron-specific information on checked-out and requested items. ā€˜Superpatronā€™ Ed Vielmetti applau...

Opening "Leerhuisbibliotheek" Martini Hospital Groningen

On last monday the new digital library of the Martini Hospital , one of the Top Clinical Hospitals in the Netherlands was opened with a small symposium. The new librarian Joan Woudsma gave a short introduction into the new library and it's services. After that Rob Coers showed how you could get more out of your digital library with RSS. Based on the reactions of the staff present, i could say that Joan should prepare some this RSS-feeds for his users. Maybe we (the library) should plan to give some workshops on RSS in Martini and UMCG? I was invited to talk about "How to make the library visible in the user environment " (in Dutch, ppt) and also did a demo of the QuickSearch Library Toolbar as one of the possibilities. The session was closed with a lively discussion tackling several issues about digital libraries. I think Joan has made a great start, the turn-up was great and everybody heard a lot of things that were useful. Keep track of his blog , a lot will happen.

Into The User Environment Now!

I just had my presentation at Eahil 2006 and luckily have already had many requests to send the presentation files. I will answer every question about the Library Toolbar and will try to help anybody with problems. So please EMAIL or IM me! You can download the ppt HERE . You can watch a flash demo of the Toolbar (use F11 to Fullscreen) And the Second Life Medical Library Movie is AVAILABLE as well. All used data and bookmarks are available at: More information about OUR Toolbar is available at our WEBSITE .


Oliver Obst created the EAHIL2006 blog via Blogger. This should have been done by the organisation of EAHIL of course, but someone has to start .... h ttp:// Now let's wait if there will be a official EAHIL blog AND the official OPEN ACCESS repository of ALL publications, presentations, posters, proceedings AT ONE PLACE for everyone to access. Tags: EAHIL2006 , CLUJ , EAHIL , BLOG

CEC Courses EAHIL : added value!

The CEC program of the Cluj EAHIL was again very usefull and of good standard. To me these courses add extra value to the Conference. You get detailed, quality information that is difficult to get otherwise, you meet a lot of people that you will meet later again at the conference. Hidden Treasures on the Internet Details by Friedhelm Rump, Germany About trainer There was a cd offered with the complete course content. This should be in open access for everybody! Real good stuff.>> Measuring Impact: Cost Justification for Information Services by Liz Blankson-Hemans, UK About trainer Impressive workshop with very good practical things that librarians can use in their "battle for money". Mentioned theories and good practices are practical and can be used almost by everybody and immediatly. Presentation Techniques: How to Eat an Elephant - or - How to Keep Your Audience Awake Details By Eve Hollis , (UK) and Ronald van Dieƫn (Netherlands) About trainers >...

Arriving in Cluj : Updated

Cluj so far is a nice city, full with churches anad old buildings in some kind of state of restoration. The temperature is warm during the day. The sun is shining, no clouds in sight (except from the massively smoking inhabitants), but the air cools down very quickly at night. Cluj is situated in Transylvania that somewhere in history was occupied/conquered by Hungary. This gives the country a special status and atmosphere.

Digital Games in Health

Lorcan Dempsey mentions the presentation of John Kirrimuir (without beard) about Gaming & Libraries at the 4th day of the TICER course. I had to miss that, but that was compensated with having a good talk about "pet training" at the opening dinner with John Kirrimuir himself. Here's what he calls examples of use in Health: - Pain relief and distraction - Rehabilitation - Surgery skill increase - Diabetes awareness - Easing carpal tunnel syndrome - Mental health and sharpness (Brain Train!) - Acting out domestic and social situations - Social and communication development See: TAGS: TICER2006 , SLML , games , libraries

"From MetaLib to LiveTrix" : Building outside the Box

Developing a new system around the "old"Metalib box proves to be very promising! Have a look: Already implemented: - Discovery/suggestion tool (no need to select a resources/database or subject first! - Spellchecker/adviser (not Google api, but "home-made") - Inline- SFX - Inline lending info with OPAC records - Impact factor info with Journals + ip history - Related terms info Want to see what they are doing? Categories: LiveTRix , Metalib , X-server

No Time to Blog?

I am having trouble picking up my blog where I left it before my holyday ..... It is not that there is nothing to blog about.. it's perhaps even the opposite! It has been so busy at my work from day one. After just one morning at work I had to take the train to the TICER courses for two days. If you haven't had the chance to look at the program please do it now, because there were some excellent presentations. My personal best: Aiming for New Levels of Cross-Repository Functionality changes in scholarly research and scholarly communication scholarly repositories as nodes in a global scholarly workflow system cross-repository interoperability recording and expressing the chain of evidence when reusing a unit of scholarly communication the Pathways project (Cornell University and Los Alamos National Laboratory) the April 2006 "Augmenting Interoperability across Scholarly Repositories" summit full abstract PowerPoint presentation as PDF file (774kB) Herbert Van de So...