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Showing posts from May, 2008

Pre-unConference HappeNing!

Very un-2.0 .... More pictures Tags: HappeNing08

"Kennissessie" Medical Library

| View | Upload your own May 29th 2008 about 75 people met in the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to share information about library issues. It was organised (and performed) by staff members the Central Medical Library of the UMCG. It's focus was on new ways to help students and hospital staff with their "information handling" in general, and about personal startpage tools, widgets, rss, toolbars en searchboxes in more detail. A special presentation was about how to use these tools in an educational and instructional setting within a large academic teaching hospital. Tags: rss , libraries , library , umcg , toolbar , searchbox , netvibes , widgets , personal startpage , opensocial , opensearch , education , teaching , medicine , health

The movies from ELAG2008 are online!

I don't know exactly since when they came available but many movies of the ELAG2008 conference are available on the web. You HAVE to use Internet Explorer (-:( otherwise you will see nothing... When you do manage to see the movie, you will also see the slides. They use a nice tool to manage these sessions, Presentations2Go . The Lightning Talks are not yet available as movie, but I hope they will come soon, as there are some really cool talks there too. Personally my favourite is the talk about service oriented architecture by Theo van Veen. Please have a look at least at: The Wageningen Library Content Management System / Peter van Boheemen The way from sharing data to sharing intelligence / Theo van Veen Semantic WEB opportunities / Laura Hollink (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) User centered design ...

OpenSearch for your Second Life

This option allows you to CHANGE the default search url in SL. Manually, in all systems, including Windows, Mac, or Linux. Here are the steps: Run Second Life. Access the hidden Client menu in Second Life by pressing Ctrl-Alt-D, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac. Click here for more info Select the "Debug Settings" menu. In the drop-down, select "SearchURLQuery" (also "SearchQueryURL" in a previous release) In the text box, change the part of the text before the "? to be the following string: ? If you want, you can also change the "SearchURLDefault" (or "SearchDefaultURL") setting to be ? Read More about how to integrate OpenSearch with Your SL Viewer. Open Search allows you to access multiple search engines in Second Life from the same simple interface. Currently the following search engines are supported: Metaverse Ink Search supports search for products, designe...

Bavarian State University in Second Life is OPEN for public!

Bavarian State University in Second Life is OPEN for public! See already 4 quick&dirty movies at Healthinfo Island TV Opening and intro Opening Presentation & Movie Tour of the site and spectacular fireworks (New!) Read more about the service and plans at: (in German) (creation of the movies : recorded screencast with SMART board software, edited -and combined with mp3 songs, with Windows Movie Maker Tags: secondlife , sl , virtual worlds , bavarian , bavarian state university , library

Consumer Guide To Virtual Worlds : free full text

A Guidebook to Virtual Worlds an/2008/a-guidebook-to-virtual -worlds/ "free, downloadable book" The Association of Virtual Worlds has published The Blue Book: A Consumer Guide to Virtual Worlds . This free, downloadable book provides a guide, with links, to over 250 virtual worlds along with a glossary. Included are virtual environments for every age group ranging from Disney Fairies Pixie Hollow, Creebies, and Frenzoo, to one of my faves - Neopets, Planet Cazmo, and Scions of Fate. Coming soon: The Green Book: A Business Guide to Virtual Worlds. Tags: virtual worlds , secondlife , sl , blue book

Opening Bavarian State Library in Second Life Today!

Today a new German SIM called "Insel der Information" (Island of Information) of the Bavarian State Library, will be opened by the Avatar of the RL Deputy Director General at 5pm CET, (8:00 AM SLT). They will have Music, Fireworks etc. The event was announced earlier (in German) at the website of the Library The Bavarian State Library in MĆ¼nchen wants to be innovative, explorative and possibly even leading on 3d-media and new Internet-developments in connection to library services. Tags: Second Life , SL , Virtual Library , SIM , Bavarian State Library , Bayerische StaatsBibliothek , MĆ¼nchen

History of Medicine Division : Turning The Pages

I keep getting amazed about the great resources, exhibitions, games and other interactive information that is available of the websites of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). This week I did look at the wonderful exhibitions and projects of the History of Medicine Division. The current exhibition in the NLM Rotunda is called Against the Odds: Making a Difference in Global Health . And I also found a project called Turning the Pages (TTP) . "At the Turning the Pages kiosk in the History of Medicine Reading Room cloak room, visitors can "turn the pages" of Elizabeth Blackwell's A Curious Herbal, a beautifully illustrated 18th century book of medicinal plants. You can also veiw the online version of Turning the Pages . " I just could not stop myself trying to implement these books in the NLM Toolbar . Here is how this looks right now:

Final Project Report for HealthInfo Island Project in Second Life Now Available!

A final project report from the Alliance Library System marks the latest chapter in an exciting experiment funded by the Greater Midwest Region of the National Library of Medicine (GMR/NNLM). The report is available here . The project, entitled ā€œProviding Consumer Health Outreach and Library Programs to Virtual World Residents in Second Lifeā€ provided outreach to virtual medical communities, health training and information for residents of Second Life, links to consumer health resources, one-on-one support to residents, and part-time staffing for HealthInfo Island. Carol Perryman, a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an experienced medical and consumer health librarian, coordinated the project. She stated, ā€ Participation in such an environment challenges the creative imagination. What is a library collection in a place where proprietary resources are out of the question? We feel collaboration is part of the answ...

MediGo : widget for Netvibes, Widgetbox & Facebook

I mentioned MediGo, a new Dutch Medical & Health Care Search engine, before . Now MediGo is also available (besides the searchbox in javascript they offer on the website): as Netvibes UWA widget Add to Netvibes Also available for: iGoogle Apple Dashboard Opera Windows Vista beta Windows Live beta as Widgetbox widget ...

A library widget (from a Toolbar) step by step

How to make a widget from -for instance- your library catalogue? See The Movie! Here is a case report, step by step, on the case of the Library Catalogue of /katalog?cleanup=20070918133454 19441&skin=default&lng=pl At the Library of the Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Care, they have a library toolbar that already includes this Catalogue Search. Have a look at: This Toolbar includes 8 different (library) search engines, including the Catalogue. Steps to The Widget: Use the Conduit Toolbar ID to create a html page with a search box Use a default test html-page, like this PubMed-page Make it suitable for the Catalogue Search as Netvibes UWA. Find a host for the html/xml webpage Submit a New Widget to Netvibes. See the rest of the info at: LIBRARYTOOLBAR.BLOGSPOT.COM OR ... watch the movie . Tags: netvibes , uwa , widget , gadget , toolbar , conduit , library , catalogue , university library , U... : Health & Medicine & Google Custom Search for ppt's!

I had not seen this before, somehow, but it looks really nice. And some reputable organizations and staff show up on the listings on the featured slides! is a "web resource designed to facilitate educational process of medical professionals. ... A cademic faculties and clinicians in practice from worldwide have contributed to the web portal. We would like to invite you to share and enhance the sharing and collaborative development of this educational resource." The Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) is really added value and offers a quick way to find presentations that are NOT found that easy. They also offer a range of collected blogs with specific topic info. Tags: google custom search , cse , health , medicine , education , presentations , slides , slidesonline , medical

Widgetbox : taking widgets further ...

So far I have made a few widgets via First just to test, but more and more I see they offer nice and growing possibilities to distribute widgets. Catalogus Bibliotheken RuG by Namro De Catalogus van de Bibliotheken van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ...

From Widgetbox into Facebook

I just made 2 two widgets via Widgetbox to : make our library initiative of the search & news widgets on our Netvibes Universe more public via social networks that accept widgets from Widgetbox. They currently offer more options, for instance the instant Facebook- integration explore how easy it is to make a Facebook application via Widgetbox. Search & News Widget: ( In Facebook ) NLM Search Solutions: Yes, this is also avaliable as Netvibes UWA widget. It uses the same source url, but this way (via Widgetbox) I can easily turn this into a Facebook application . Widgetbox offers a load of embed options: Add to: ...

Complete Listing of (my Medical) Search Widgets and others.

Making widgets is as easy as making web-content, once you know how to do it. It is great fun to see how much use it is to many. Please let me know if you would like some kind of widget for your library or resource, and we will work something out. Universal Widget API's ( Add to Netvibes, iGoogle, Apple Dashboard, Opera, Windows Vista beta, Windows Live beta) Search PubMed (+RUGLinks) ( 324 installs) Search PubMed ( 85 installs) MedlinePlus Search ( 159 installs) NLM Search Solutions ( 88 installs) Search UpToDate ( 63 installs) LiveTrix Search ( 51 installs) Search Catalogue Libraries of the University of Groningen ( 50 installs) A-Z List E-Journals RUG ( 42 installs) UMCG in PubMed : new publications! (RSS, 16 installs) PiCarta ( 40 installs) Search ( 26 installs) Helsebiblioteket Search Solutions ( 47 installs) Search BIBSYS ( 26 installs) Search Medigo ( 20 installs) Search MedWorm ( 19 installs) Search Mesh te...