Catalogus Bibliotheken RuG
by Namro
De Catalogus van de Bibliotheken van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
NCRC Biblioteka
by Namro
This blog is about the work of the one-woman medical library of the National Cancer Research Center (NCRC) of Serbia in Beograd. Ana Ivkovic writes about medical information, developments and newsworthy items.
Pub Med (+RUGLinks)
by Namro
The Pubmed search that offers you the RUGLInks functionality ánd the result tabs you are used to. pubmed nlm ncbi medline cmb umcg rug ruglinks
NLM Search Solutions
by Namro
The National Library of Medicine has great search & news resources that an be used also from this Search widget or from one of the NLM Toolbars via http://nlmtoolbars.blogspot.com. You can install them at once via http://nlm.ourtoolbar.com
So far I have made a few widgets via Widgetbox.com. First just to test, but more and more I see they offer nice and growing possibilities to distribute widgets.
Ooit gaat het nog wel eens goedkomen maar nu kost het me teveel tijd.
Veel meer is er vaak niet nodig, behalve als je ook een Flash versie moet hebben.