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OpenSearch for your Second Life

This option allows you to CHANGE the default search url in SL. Manually, in all systems, including Windows, Mac, or Linux. Here are the steps:

  • Run Second Life.
  • Access the hidden Client menu in Second Life by pressing Ctrl-Alt-D, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac. Click here for more info
  • Select the "Debug Settings" menu.
  • In the drop-down, select "SearchURLQuery" (also "SearchQueryURL" in a previous release)
  • In the text box, change the part of the text before the "? to be the following string:
  • If you want, you can also change the "SearchURLDefault" (or "SearchDefaultURL") setting to be Read More about how to integrate OpenSearch with Your SL Viewer. Open Search allows you to access multiple search engines in Second Life from the same simple interface.

Currently the following search engines are supported: Metaverse Ink Search supports search for products, designers, notecards, places and land for sale. It lists about 2 million products with images, descriptions, and a link directly to the store. There is also support for scripted vendors. This search engine uses a staff of 14 friendly robots to scan the entire grid twice a week, and has a sophisticated ranking system that is very difficult to fool. Linden Lab Search "All" search provides access to a static view of information from the SL grid. Highlights include search of places, classifieds, profiles, and the SL wiki. Google Search ... for the ordinary universe.

Bye the way, it is NOT a new thing, searching for stuff INSIDE Second Life without being logged in. Have a look at for info and tools to get more search options you can handle ...

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Anonymous said…
thanks for sharing this!!!

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