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Showing posts from October, 2008

Pull The Plug From Silverplatter WinSpirs and Webspirs

Today is the last day the Silverplatter Winspirs Platform will be available in the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the University of Groningen . To my knowledge it is the platform that has been used for the longest period in a row inside the hospital. One of my colleagues remembers pushing the first Silverplatter cd-rom into the library computer somewhere in 1988. It has also been the most used , before being replaced by the freely available Pubmed. Although the web version (WebSpirs) has "replaced" the windows version for years now, still many people have been using the windows-based interface on a daily bases. The forced shift to the new OVID-SP platform Ɣnd the various other ways we offer the Medline database, made us decide to disappoint these "traditional" searchers. Some like to call them "power-users", because they are grown to like and use the fast, step-by-step-approach of the Winspirs Interface. It shows what ...

Exploration of digital identities across learning, teaching and research : Rhizome project

I found an interesting project that is going to explore digital identities and supply a framework of tools and practices to turn them into effective online identies ... They are going to use Netvibes as platform. Read at " Liquid Learning" What does digital identity mean to you? Do you care? As more of our lives, from personal to professional activities, find their way online how do we cope with managing our digital presence(s)? Can we ever keep the 'personal' separate from 'professional' when tools and services mash-up our online identities in ways that are beyond our control? Rhizome Project: exploring digital identities View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: online launch )

Mobile Libraries : m-library

Via a Call for papers for the The Second International m-libraries Conference Vancouver, 23 - 24 June 2009 I found this book about mobile libraries that I would like to read. "Following the successful First International m-libraries Conference in 2007 we are delighted to call for papers for the Second International Conference in Vancouver in 2009. For more information about the conference visit The conference will be hosted by the University of British Columbia in collaboration with Athabasca University, the Open University (UK) and Thompson Rivers University. The aim of the conference is to explore and share work carried out in libraries around the world to deliver services and resources to users ā€˜on the moveā€™ via mobile or handheld devices, including mobile and smartphones, PDAs, portable gaming devices, MP3 players and ebook readers. "

Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries: Innovators Describe Pioneering Library and Educational Projects in Second Life and Other Virtual Environments

We are pleased to say that a new book was announced today! Carolina Keats (Carol Perryman) and myself Namro Orman (Guus van den Brekel) wrote one of the chapters in this work, which was most ably coordinated and edited by Lori Bell and Rhonda Trueman. For the entire text of the release, see By RobColding - Posted on 16 October 2008 October 20, 2008, Monterey, CAā€”At the 12th annual Internet Librarian Conference and Exhibition, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) announced the publication of Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries: Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-User Virtual Environments, edited by Lori Bell and Rhonda B. Trueman. Eighty percent of Internet users are expected to engage in some form of virtual world activity by 2011 (Gartner Research Group), and librarians and educators are already there. Virtual Worlds, Real Librariesā€”the brainchild of editors Bell and Truemanā€”is designed to help libraries and schools recognize the importanc...

AIDS Grant for Second Life Project Karuna

Aids & HIV Center In Second Life Frontpage on Metaverse Messenger! pdf With the Karuna Advisory committee we are deciding how to execute the $60,000 grant for a project entitled ā€œ AIDS Information and Outreach in the Virtual World of Second Life .ā€ Here are our The Project Objectives and Accomplishments to be Achieved: To build an AIDS information and community center in the virtual world of Second Life. To develop and compile quality resources in the library on AIDS/HIV. To train AIDS/HIV patients, their families, and others on how to search for quality information on all aspects of the disease. To collaborate with other AIDS/HIV and health information agencies to provide quality health information. To provide informational displays on AIDS/HIV To increase awareness of NLM resources on AIDS/HIV On a weekly basis we are talking about the new Island Karuna with the involved parties: Alliance Library System - ALS applied for and ad...

ExitReality : the entire web in 3D: search engine

ExitReality - 3D Search or Search for 3D? Now this at least SOUNDS they have taken the next step to Web3d ..... Have to explore this further...... From the Alt Search Engines site: " ExitReality is a new technology that has made the entire Internet 3D. By creating an instant 3D world from any web page, ExitReality adds a new dimension to the Internet. And this new universe of inter-connected worlds expands even beyond 2D to include thousands of innovative 3D places and games created over the past decade, and now ready to be explored.... ... Compatible with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome Internet browsers, ExitReality includes a 3D search engine, which gives the user access to the biggest repository of 3D objects and worlds on the Internet. Itā€™s free and easy to get started. After a quick 3.7MB download, HERE , the ExitReality Internet browser plug-in is installed and a button with the ExitReality logo appears on the browser. Visit any web page and click on this button...

Netvibes Announces Integration with Facebook Connect, Powering Personalized News Sharing for Millions of Facebook Users

From the offical press release : " Netvibes will soon offer users even more ways to connect with Facebook friends on Netvibes via Facebook Connect. Any Facebook user can instantly login using their existing Facebook ID to create, personalize and save their own customized Netvibes page, as well as share their Netvibes activity feeds on Facebook. This means that Facebook users can now leverage the power of Netvibes' award-winning personalization technology to quickly share widgets, photos, videos and news with friends across Facebook. Netvibes is the ultimate way to quickly find and enjoy hundreds of thousands of widgets and personalized rich media feeds all on one page--from full-length CSI:NY episodes to official content from EMI, New York Times and USA Today. Now all of that content can be instantly shared with friends on both Netvibes and Facebook simultaneously. The new features are targeted to go live on October 23rd, making Netvibes the first personalized startpage ...

Jisc and Virtual Worlds

JISC (the Joint Information Systems Committee ) was funding several initiatives in this area. See an overview Virtual spaces, Second lives: what are the potential educational benefits of MUVEs View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: jisc muve )

Library Toolbars and Widgets : Workshop "Libray 2.0 is happe.Ning Coming ..."OCN2008

Bibliotheek Widgets & Toolbars : digicmb op OCN2008 View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: library toolbar ) I hope more presenters of the OCN2008 will decide to publish and distribute their slides via Slideshare, add the tags OCN2008 or OCN08 to them... You can see only 6 presentations there now , but they all are from the Bibliotheek 2.0 is Happe.Ning.

OCN2008 Impressions via Twitter

Twitter is used for many things but covering an event by Twitter is more and more getting a regular habit, also in the Netherlands (al least in Library Land) See a 2 minute video about Twitter here:) ) ) And have a look at this Twitter Fountain of the OCN2008) ) ) See the Pictures at Flickr or look at the Public Page (Netvibes Universe) of the OCN2008. ) More about the success of The Bibliotheek 2.0 is Happening Track later ...

OCN2008 Bibliotheek2.0 is Happe.Ning!

The Online Conferentie Nederland 2008 (OCN2008) is happening at October 7th & 8th in RAI Amsterdam. There is a special track of Library 2.0 (see the programm) The teaser for that can be watched here! Bibliotheek 2.0 als gids naar een veelbelovende digitale toekomst. Omdat de wereld verandert. ("Library 2.0 as guide to a promising digital future. Because the world changes" Tuesday October 7th: Speakers: 10.00-11.30: Keynote by Erwin Blom 11.45-12.30: Liesbeth Mantel & Marina Noordegraaf: Delen 2.0 (Sharing 2.0) 14.30 uur - 15.00: Guus vd Brekel "Hands on sessie bibliotheek-widgets en toolbars" 15.15 uur -16.00: Wouter Gerritsma, Ontwikkeling van het bloggen in bibliotheek Nederland ("Development of blogging in Dutch Libraries") 16.15 uur - 16.45: Guus vd Brekel, Tonen van gemaakte widgets (Showing results of hands-on creating toolbars & widgets) Wednesday October 8th: 10.00 uur - 11.30 uur Tim Spalding keynote 11.45 uur - 12.30 uur Wi...