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Showing posts from February, 2010

Third Party PubMed Twitter List by @novoseek

Third party PubMed Twitter List RT @novoseek: @ laikas sorry i forgot... the link to the twitter list @digicmb Nice comp of QRs in libraries RT @ aarontay QR codes for libraries-some thoughts RT @gcaserotti Twitter 360 App Augmented Reality for the iPhone 3GS twitter apps augmentedreality geotagging RT @iknrr Loving # Evernote clippe r ( & search ( extensions 4 #Chrome! Researcher's dream! RT @kevmckonline Tweets copied by

PostRank & SciVal & Mobiel healthApps

Almost all my post are ranked with a 10 via Postrank :-) I am curious about your opinion on SciVal Spotlight by Elsevier/Scopus! Tweets copied by tw... Actually, anyone can create an account on ALA connect . It could be a useful site if more ppl joined it. RT @bmljenny: @aarontay Mobile-health apps emerge at Mobile World Congress 2010 | VentureBeat #mhealth RT @andrewspong: Tweets copied by

Mobile alliance to build open programming app

Buzz off: Disabling Google Buzz Best Free iPhone Medical Apps for Health care Professionals #fb iMedicalApps RT @ehealthgr RT @cool_myll: @ netvibes Thanks for fixing multifeed widgets Check this (+video @ end of post) 2 see how 2 perform complex searches in Pubmed quickly + intuitively RT @novoseek Mobile alliance to build open programming apps (how about unlocking the phones?!) RT @lizscherer Tweets copied by

Google Chrome, Augmented Reality & Emerging Technology : my tweets of 14-02-2010

Google Chrome : Please move the "Manage Default Search Engine" to TOP LEVEL, not three clicks away! Librarians, please RETWEET! Google Chrome "catches" your library search (and many others) for your users to control. #OpenSearch " augmented reality as emerging technology is clear argument for libraries to focus on location-based services to become more visible" The quote is be me, anyone disagrees? "Google expects 3D Live collaboration becoming mainstream" RT @malburns When Virtual & Augmented Worlds Collide? Response 2 Techcrunch comparing Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality " When a librarian is not doing a good job on the web, it's a dead librarian" Andrew Keen vs Mijnsbergen, Digbib Medicines not working? Use the App Users upload readings from connected blood glucose monitors 2 Apple phone RT @Berci " Library Inn...

Internet for Health & Zen and the Art of Twitter : From My Tweets 02-13-2010

More than half of Americans use t internet for health #hcsm #hcsmeu RT @Aurora_Health. One of the outcomes:   " doctors are reluctant to use the Internet or email to communicate with patients because of concerns about privacy as well as confusion about how to charge for their time. Join THE hunt for Golden Hearts!: Join THE hunt for Golden Hearts ! Cupid is on the loose in @secondlife!  http://bi... Scavenger Hunt in Second Life is back! Running now for three days!   @lukask:  Turned off Buzz   RT:  Me too. Why don't they plug it in google Wave instead?  Z en and the Art of Twitter: 4 Tips for Productive Tweeting - / Tweets copied by

Sharing links with users - 8 different ways (by @aarontay) : and other tweets of 12-02-201

Everyday I am taking the most relevant tweets and list them here. Sometimes with comments, sometimes not ... Sometimes with music, sometimes not :-) Sharing links with users - 8 different ways RT @tweetmeme Musings about librarianship Cupid is on the loose in @secondlife! Join THE hunt for Golden Hearts! Cupid is on the loose in @secondlife! HEALTHINFO ISLAND IS INVOLVED ! See My iPhone Screenshots Surf-Net & Google : the use of Google Apps RT @betje Reading: How to rate the Norwich Medical Search Portal? a radiology info portal Also registered as Google vs. Apple ā€“ Infographic by GigaOM RT @DrVes:   App "Model Me Going Placesā„¢" RT @ericrumsey: Free iPhone App for Helping Ki...

Library Social Media & Tools, RefWorks Mobile: From Twitter 02-11-2010

 ā€˜ Command lineā€™ searching in PubMed ā€“ Advanced (by @ giustini )RT @laikas: RT @shamsha: Handy cheat sheet! From Twitter 02-10-2010: Links for 2010-02-09 []: UK PubMed Central | Homepage UK PubMed Central is part of a network of PMC Int... @ medicinauab PubMedOnline is a AdWord scam that uses Google custom search to search NLM databases. Don't RT them. RT this! @ Dymphie Correction: #EMTACL10 is offering hotels with high discount when booked BEFORE ....check details at Updating Our LIbrary Social Media and Tools links on DIGICMB blog Ultimate List of Google Wave Gadgets and Tools (via @ IK_Community @rajupp Library 2.0 Treat ....? Just added RefWorks Mobile to my home screen of my iPhone. This looks exactly like a real App! SquarePik iPhone App Adds P...

Back-up Tweets, Ban Pubmedonline and Mobile Libraries : TweetSelection 11-2-2010

I am going to try and make an archive of a selection of myTweets. Many thanks to Karen Blakeman for  and BackupMy Tweets. Thanks @ uamslibrary for following me! You're my no. 1200!  Advice: unfollow @pubmedonline, or don't even start. It's an adWords scam obviously  Today I will probably reach my 5000th tweet, for what it's worth. Time to back-up some of it. What's the best way to archive your Tweets?  Publish your tweets on your blog. Automatically. (via @ karenblakeman )  @ karenblakeman This is what I like about (Twitter) communication. You ask for something and you always get more than you asked for! :)  Wolfmother live on 3voor12 tv at   Opera Wants to Bring Its Mobile Browser to iPhone: Opera Mini is a great mobile browser on most... ... RT @ROGER_N_FLORIDA:  RT @novoseek: - It does feel good to have your support...

WorldCat Mobile NL : iPhone app pilot

WorldCat is p iloting WorldCat Mobile in Netherlands at the moment.  To download the pilot you need to go to: . OR If you have an iPhone you can go to the app store and search for ā€œWorldCat NLā€. They are looking for some genuine feedback (good or bad) on your experience of using it?  The kinds of questions they have: Did the app load easily? Was the response time OK? Was the interface user-friendly? Did you search and locate items in libraries that were near to you or did you find locations patchy? How would you rate the pilot and would you recommend it? Any additional thoughts/comments? Let's give them  lots of feedback to keep improving the experience.

emtacl10 - Earlybird registration ends 15 February 2010!

International conference on emerging technologies in academic libraries 2010 (emtacl10) 26ā€“28 April 2010, Trondheim, Norway This is a new international conference for academic librarians, information professionals, academic staff, students, library system developers and suppliers, among others. The conference aims to provide answers to the following questions: What can academic libraries do to address change? How can we adapt? Which technologies can/should/must we use/create? (View the conference programme < ?programme >) Keynote speakers: Lorcan Dempsey (OCLC), Conor Galvin (UCD), Guus van den Brekel (UMCG), Ida Aalen (NTNU), Martin Malmsten (Libris), Chris Clarke (Talis). The conference is hosted by NTNU Library, the Library of the Norwegian university of science and technology in Trondheim, Norway. Earlybird registration (before 15 February 2010) EUR 360 Registration after 15 February EUR 400 Conference dates: 26ā€“28 April 2010 Direct link for r...

Web 2.0 Lunch meeting AMC Library Team

The presentation is partly in Dutch, but it shows "The Order of Things" as they have developed themselves for me. Here's a small resume in English with some links. It all started with creation of a Library Toolbar , back in 2005, then dissecting that into functionality-chunks i.e. html searchboxes, rss-feeds, chatboxes. Here is a post about " 37 ways To Adjust Your Library Toolbar (or any Conduit Toolbar) " The need to control and manage those boxes widgets in  and   Offering those widgets and RSS-feeds in Public Pages from  as a sort of Take-Away service Distributing library services and content into Social and Virtual Networks was next:  Library Toolbox Browser Toolbar Student Browser Toolbar CMB Linkedin Group CMB Hyves CMB Fan Page CMB UMCG Group CMB on Twitter CMB on LibraryThing Digicmb on twitter Digicmb on Netvibe s Latest focus is on how to "control" the browser of the user, an...