I am going to try and make an archive of a selection of myTweets. Many thanks to Karen Blakeman for twittinesis.com and BackupMy Tweets.
- Thanks @uamslibrary for following me! You're my no. 1200!
- Advice: unfollow @pubmedonline, or don't even start. It's an adWords scam obviously
- Today I will probably reach my 5000th tweet, for what it's worth. Time to back-up some of it. What's the best way to archive your Tweets?
- Publish your tweets on your blog. Automatically. http://twittinesis.com/ (via @karenblakeman )
- @karenblakeman This is what I like about (Twitter) communication. You ask for something and you always get more than you asked for! :)
- Wolfmother live on 3voor12 tv at http://bit.ly/bbRuju
- Opera Wants to Bring Its Mobile Browser to iPhone: Opera Mini is a great mobile browser on most... http://bit.ly/dd ... RT @ROGER_N_FLORIDA:
- RT @novoseek: http://twitpic.com/12ef97 - It does feel good to have your support. We keep building a better search engine for Pubmed
- That's why i love Netvibes. They understand "sharing" the source. RT @ashmex: do you know how to add a google gadget in #netvibes ?
- Geocache game made in UMCG. http://bit.ly/clnQlS RT @groeneveldjoke
- RT @aarontay: [New Post] Does embedding search widgets increase usage? Using Google analytics for tracking http://bit.ly/aRXufv
- "Best Practices in Virtual Worlds Teaching Guide 2.0 now available" http://bit.ly/d59xQ2 RT @malburns
- Netvibes vs Google Reader : a young teacher point of view http://bit.ly/aOdgFY via @kimcuppett /via @netvibes
- Facebook Mobile Hits 100 Million Users, Growing Faster Than On Desktops - http://tcrn.ch/9jZHLu RT @KentBottles: RT @TechCrunch
- Two New Mobile Web Sites from Libraries and Universities, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln & Texas A&M http://bit.ly/bvETHb RT @resourceshelf
- iPhone apps used more compared with mobile websites, usibality test Jakob Nielsen http://bit.ly/9oVcCART @idaaa