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Showing posts from September, 2012

(The educational value of the tablet-pc) | De didactische waarde van de tablet-pc | NVMO Round Table Session

De didactische waarde van de tablet-pc. Eerste ervaringen met het gebruik van iPads in het medisch onderwijs. P. Room, A.J.P. van den Brekel, L.A. Teeuwen. UMCG, Groningen Round Table Session at NVMO Congres 2012, 15 en 16 november 2012, Maastricht RONDETAFELSESSIE Abstract: De didactische waarde van de tablet-pc.Eerste ervaringen met het gebruik van iPads in het medisch onderwijs. P. Room, A.J.P. van den Brekel, L.A. Teeuwen. UMCG , Groningen. Achtergrond: De tablet is een computer die in de hand kan worden gebruikt. Voorzien van multi touch-scherm en hoge resolutie display is deze interactieve gadget bezig aan een spectaculaire opmars. Vrijwel dagelijks verschijnen er nieuwe apps (applicaties) die bruikbaar zijn in het onderwijs. Maar hoe staat het met het gebruik ervan in het medisch onderwijs? Wat is het voordeel van de tablet boven de labtop? Zijn de touch screens wel zo intuïtief als beweerd wordt? Wat is de kwaliteit/prijsverhouding van de applicaties (apps)? Wat is ...

Lending iPads to medical staff : integrating in information workflow | My #online12 Abstract

Presentation Title :  Lending iPads to medical staff : integrating in information workflow Online Information 2012, 20-21 November, Victoria Park Plaza, London See the rest of the speakers and the Programm (pdf) Theorems 1 Libraries can play an important role in driving technological innovation in your organisation 2 Lending out iPads to library patrons is the best pr & marketing activity for libraries since the invention of "sliced bread"! (Thank you Oliver Obst) 3 You can change the way people look at the library by engaging in pro-active projects focussed on information workflow The abstract The Central Medical Library of the University Medical Center Groningen started to lend iPads to clinical and research staff in Februari 2011. We brought this new innovative technology to them to engage them in an experience that most certainly would affect their daily workflow in patient care, research or education. The iPads were pre-loaded with apps...

Promoting scientific output : made possible by your library! My EMTACL12 Abstract

Here is my abstract for the EMTACL12 talk. Check the Programm! Presentation Title Theorems 1 Promoting scientific output : made possible by your library!  Promoting scientific output has huge impact on library, the organisation & their relationship 2 There are more ways of doing things than the corporate way! 3 Everybody wants or needs to make publication overviews : using blog and easy aggregation techniques is within every library's reach! The Abstract With the launch of a separate website focused on the complete scientific output of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) the visibility of these publications were improved considerably, as well as the awareness of them with the corporate community. Possitive side-effect was also the rise of the awareness of library’s resources, skills and services. Our large academic hospital publishes over 2000 scientific public...

EMTACL12 coming up in October! Emerging Technologies in Academic Libraries

There still is time enough to decide to visit the 2nd Conference on "emerging technologies in academic libraries", but why wait if you can book today! Booking Flights & hotel rooms might become more difficult from now on.... Check the programm ( Google doc at ) to discover there is a really remarkable Keynote List: Herbert Van De Sompel: "Paint-Yourself-In-The-Corner Infrastructure" Karen Coyle: “Think Different” Richard Wallis: “OCLC Worldshare and Linked Data”. Brian Kelly: What Next for Libraries? Making Sense of the Future  Rudolf Mumenthaler: Innovation Management in and for Libraries  Eirik Newth: Forecast for the academic library of 2025: Cloudy with a chance of user participation and content lock-in  Rurik Thomas Greenall: “Defining/Defying reality: the struggle towards relevance in bibliographic data” Jens Vigen: “Connecting people and information: how open access supports research in High Energy Physics. Since 50 years!...