Here is my abstract for the EMTACL12 talk. Check the Programm!
scientific output : made possible by your library!
Promoting scientific output has huge impact on library, the organisation & their relationship |
There are more ways of doing things than the corporate way!
Everybody wants or needs to make publication overviews : using blog and easy aggregation techniques is within every library's reach!
The Abstract
With the launch of a separate website focused on the complete scientific output of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) the visibility of these publications were improved considerably, as well as the awareness of them with the corporate community. Possitive side-effect was also the rise of the awareness of library’s resources, skills and services.
Our large academic hospital publishes over 2000 scientific publications every year and it’s rising. The library has made massive resources available for all staff and students, but finding out who published what within the hospital, is not that easy, especially if you want to be as complete as possible. With the worldwide “battle of the ranking” between institutions in higher education, it is essential to make every effort to visualize this output of your organization. From the corporate point of view having that data easily available is good for PR and marketing activities ánd it is an answer to the growing call for more “open Science”. From the library’s point of view, it is very important to be seen as a partner to contribute to this task. With a minimum of cost and effort, the use of freely available web-technology and (social-media) plugins the library created “atUMCG” It’s simplicity in design and content clearly appealed to many inside the hospital. It’s launch had a great spin-off for the library. The presentation will focus on describing this “controlled aggregation” website and it’s use in more detail, but also on all spin-off effects i.e, the great need and benefits of simple, complete publication overviews made available by the library. |