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Showing posts from June, 2013

Google Scholar Library Links

Libraries can register for a Google Scholar Account to connect holdings via their  OpenURL-compatible link resolver, like SFX for the  University of Groningen Library. Within University of Groningen or University Medical Center Groningen IP-RANGE you will automatically see  the link to Link Resolver Menu for this item to get to the full text fast when we have it! (Unfortunately  it does NOT show the ICON ) Google needs IP address ranges so that your library links will automatically appear for people accessing Google Scholar from these networks.  Other patrons - for instance, off campus students and staff from home - will need to configure their affiliation in their own Scholar settings manually. Today I discovered that certain IP-addresses from the University Medical Center are not included in the registered IP-range. The UMCG recently started using various extra IP-ranges.  Thanks to Peter van Rees of the University of Gron...

How to get your Publication List into your personal page (MEPA) of the University of Groningen

Ideally your publications as researcher within University Medical Center Groningen(UMCG) would be included into the library's Repositories and the current CRIS  (Current research Information System) METIS .  The personal staff pages (MEPA) of the University of Groningen offers the option to show your publications directly from these above mentioned systems.  Currently there is however no optimal way to fill these systems for the UMCG.  The University of Groningen Library is implementing a  new CRIS  based on PURE from ATIRA.  This will eventually change the workflow of the MEPA's!  Check this video (Dutch/English) As a temporary work-around there is an option to import Publication Lists in this MEPA. Step 1: Make sure you have an updated list of your publications in your preferred reference management tool (RefWorks, Google Scholar, EndNote Web, Mendeley, Zotero, Publish or Perish ...)  Step 2: a Publication List WITHOUT lin...

11 Ways to calculate (your) H-Index : free and otherwise

I bumped into a blog post from ChemConnectorBlog about free tools to calculate your h-index. This was posted already in 2011 and I got curious if there would be more tools available right now. Here is a short summary of tools that can be used: (If I missed some, please let me know via Comments please!) The Central Medical Library advices to use Web of Science (ISI)  to calculate your h-index. Within the UMCG this is still the generally accepted citation resource & tool. We help patrons setting up their ResearcherID and Google Scholar Citations. ResearcherID from Thomson Reuters   offers Citation Metrics, including your h-index to be calculated from your publications. We calculate the h-index for patrons on request either via  Web of Science (ISI)  or via "Publish or Perish" This free software makes it possible for librarians (or patrons) to create the h-index for themselves or for others.(Note: risk of getting banned temporarily from Google Scholar ...

MAC Tools

Many thanks to the creator of the Page from the Download Portal of the RUG. Below you'll find a list of tools which can be used on a Mac.  At the moment of publication all tools were freeware. Name: ClamXav Link: Description: ClamXav is a free virus scanner for Mac OS X. It uses the very popular ClamAV open source antivirus engine as a back end and has the ability to detect both Windows and Mac threats. ClamXav can be setup up to scan only the files you tell it to or your entire hard drive. Name:  Cyberduck Link: Description: Open source ftp, SFTP, WebDAV, Cloud Files, google Docs & amazon S# Browser for Mac & Windows Name:  Disco Link: Description: Disco allows you to burn optical media discs, and makes it an fun and amazing software experience. Name:  Evernote Link: Description: Evernote is een notitieprogr...