Ideally your publications as researcher within University Medical Center Groningen(UMCG) would be included into the library's Repositories and the current CRIS (Current research Information System) METIS.
The personal staff pages (MEPA) of the University of Groningen offers the option to show your publications directly from these above mentioned systems. Currently there is however no optimal way to fill these systems for the UMCG.
The University of Groningen Library is implementing a new CRIS based on PURE from ATIRA. This will eventually change the workflow of the MEPA's! Check this video (Dutch/English)
As a temporary work-around there is an option to import Publication Lists in this MEPA.
- Step 1: Make sure you have an updated list of your publications in your preferred reference management tool (RefWorks, Google Scholar, EndNote Web, Mendeley, Zotero, Publish or Perish ...)
- Step 2: a Publication List WITHOUT links is not optimal. To enhance the effect of people finding you in Google for instance, these lists -also the MEPA- SHOULD contain LINKS to your work. So make sure there are links IN your references.
In RefWorks you can add them in the (additional) Field URLS.
You can use the Citation Link in our Get-it! Menu (under Advanced) or generate a persistent one with this tool
- Step 3: Export the references in .ris format.
- Step 4: Login into MyUniversity Step 5: Go to View Your Profile Page (in the top right corner)
- Step 5: Choose: EDIT in the left menu
- Step 6: Choose File Manager
- Step 7: Click CHOOSE FILE and find your .ris file. Click UPLOAD FILE. If you are updating a file, first delete the old RIS file in the File Overview.
- Step 8: Close, and refresh the page if the references do not appear right away.
Under ALL PUBLICATIONS you should now see the list sorted by Publication Year. Contact me if you have any questions! We can advice and help you set up this for you!
Obviously the basic rule (GIGO) for data and communication rules here too... Garbage In, Garbage Out. (I need to tweak my references!)