Het project "Draadloos in de CMB" kan naar verwachting binnen de maand september 2005 gerealiseerd worden. Afspraken tussen CMB & RC, ICT Support én UMCG verlopen constructief. Einddoel is een draadloos netwerk in de hele CMB, inclusief 3e verdieping en studiekabines zoals ook elders in RUG dit met FlexNet uitgerold zal worden in de openbare ruimten.
I am still trying to create and improve the DIGICMB Universe and now they tell me I could also have it as an EMBEDDED Universe INSIDE my own (library) website. Check here the Premium Universe of Le Figaro Newspaper web site called Myfigaro and you will see the Url is: http://www.lefigaro.fr/monfigaro/ . However, Fred Mini , Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Netvibes , in his French blogs adds "for those interested" that these Premium Universe are "Not for Free"... Read more about Premium Universes at the blog called NETVIBER EXPERIENCE. This Premium Universe gives freedom for more customization and advertising. I will get info on how much it costs soon, i hope. Tags: netvibes , universe , premium , rss , personalisation , sharing , publish , library , libraries , api , widgets , feeds , tab s