De afdeling Orthopedie van het UMCG heeft de CMB gevraagd om een overzicht aan te leveren van de beschikbare tijdschriften.
Ze kregen meer, véél meer. Tijdschriften, e-journals, boeken in de CMB en elders, nieuwe aanwinsten door de CMB, maar ook binnen de RUG.
En het mooiste is dat dit overzicht altijd uptodate is. Nieuwe publikaties worden automatisch geselecteerd.
De CMB maakt -naast het volledige collectie-overzicht- ook op verzoek een overzicht op maat waarbij in diverse formaten lijsten kunnen worden aangeleverd (of databases in Reference Manager). Diverse afdelingen hebben hier inmiddels gebruik van gemaakt bij bezoek van Visitatie-commissies.
The department Orthopedics asked the Medical Library to make an overview of the available journals. We did more.
They now got an complete overview of the collection of Orthopedic publications available in the UMCG, the University of Groningen. They can see how many electronic journals there are. If anybody else in the RUG got any books about their subject.
They even can check how many new books there bought this year, again in the Medical Library but also in all the other RUG-libraries, including the University Library.
Great advantage is that this overview is always uptodate! New publications will be selected/included automatically.
I am still trying to create and improve the DIGICMB Universe and now they tell me I could also have it as an EMBEDDED Universe INSIDE my own (library) website. Check here the Premium Universe of Le Figaro Newspaper web site called Myfigaro and you will see the Url is: . However, Fred Mini , Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Netvibes , in his French blogs adds "for those interested" that these Premium Universe are "Not for Free"... Read more about Premium Universes at the blog called NETVIBER EXPERIENCE. This Premium Universe gives freedom for more customization and advertising. I will get info on how much it costs soon, i hope. Tags: netvibes , universe , premium , rss , personalisation , sharing , publish , library , libraries , api , widgets , feeds , tab s