The Library Toolbar is developing into an asset, a little thing extra to connect the user to it's much valued resources like databases and e-journals.
While the search options are still getter larger, the e-books section has expanded with sub-menu navigation! Also the "Handige Links" are grown into an overview and a direct link option to all major sections of our Library Website!
An English version of the Toolbar is in production; i think this should be standard and maybe the only one ...
The News-section is containing THREE RSS-Feeds:
- Library news, direct from the website (RSS)
- New publications from UMCG Staff in journals indexed in PUBMED: the option in Pubmed to make RSS-feeds of searches is GREAT! This feed is based on a search for all known namen and adress variables of the "University Medical Center Groningen" combined with AND to any new articles in Pubmed.
- All new publications in the TOP5 Journals as they appear in Pubmed. NEJM, LANCET, BMJ, JAMA and NATURE. Because the journals do not appear at the same time, it is possible to follow the latest articles as the appear, and even BEFORE that!
The Toolbar can be used for in fact really anything you want to find on the Internet. The major search engines are availabe. You can do just what you want and IF you want to use one of the SERVICES of the Library you have it right by your side .... like a lifeline or an umbilical cord (-;)