I found this link in the blog of a Dutch digital trend watcher (Frankwatching).
The wiki publishes a almost endless list of things you can do with RSS.
It is updated frequently.
A few remarkable items:
- follow webstats via RSS: Via www.urltrends.com you can get the amount of incoming and outgoing links from your website. Ofcourse you have to register to activate the rss-functionality
- make a TAG-cloud of your or any collection of RSS-feeds to show visually what keywords are popular/important. http://www.tagcloud.com/cloud/html/DIGICMB/default/50
- Wotzwot lets you make a RSS-feed maken of almost any website, this can be useful for sites who don't offer RSS yet! Just mention a starting and end point of the specific page. With FeedFire it is even simpler: just add an url, push the button and there you have an RSS-feed (not 100% mind you). Another "feedscraper", but Feed43 makes it possible to convert elements of pages into RSS instead of the standard complete page.
- Keep uptodate with new Patents FreshPatents.com provides a RRS-feed to keep up with the latest American patents.
- Alert service for your subject searches via RSS (PubMed offers this, but also for Google searches you can use Ben HammersleyÂs Google-to-RSS SOAP script or the GooRSS service.
- News Feeds To Mobile Phone With PhoneFeeds.com and Litefeeds.com you can convert any RSS-feed in a feed for your mobile, Palm, Blackberry, PDA or MDA. Not just text but also pictures of for instance Flickr.
- Collect music, radioshows and podcasts Via Podcastalley or podcast searchengines like Podzinger, Blinkx, Podscope and Feedster.
- Follow what others read ... Many people use online bookmarks and make them public in Del.icio.us, Spurl.net or Furl (social bookmark tools) with the option to subscribe to a feed that will alert you on newly read or bookmarked publications
There much more, but this is enough for now. If you want to read more: Taking RSS Beyond Headlines: Part One of Basement.org