Manhattan Research to Host Webinar on February 15.
The insight and data are based the comprehensive telephone-based research study titled, Taking the Pulse® Europe, conducted among more than 1,000 physicians from Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom in the fourth quarter of 2005. These European physician market trends will be discussed in a free webinar titled The Year Ahead: European Physicians Online in 2006 on February 15th at 9:30am EST/ 2:30pm GMT
The 5 trends are, according to Manhattan Research:
1. Reliance on the Internet : Accessing for Professional Purposes
On a daily basis, 84% of all European physicians use the Internet (for any reason). A majority of their access is for professional use, such as online journals, searching literature databases, accessing clinical trial information, and searching for prescription drug information.
2. Technology Infrastructure : Well Established
In addition to using the Internet for professional purposes, 86% of European physicians report having an Internet connection in their offices. Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of European physicians have implemented digital medical records.
3. Mobile Devices : Widely Used
Almost one in three European physicians have a handheld mobile device, and the majority are using them for advanced professional activities such as scheduling, drug reference, clinical notes and reading articles online. As devices evolve, the opportunity to use them at the point of care will increase.
4. Email and Connectivity : Occurring and Increasing
While fewer than one-quarter of European physicians report emailing with their patients, nearly one-third of them report an email relationship with a pharmaceutical company. This represents a strategic opportunity for pharmaceutical marketers, given the behavioral pattern is already established.
5. Global Pharmaceutical Sites : Nearly Half of Physicians Visiting
The top corporate sites visited by European physicians overall are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Novartis, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Sanofi-Aventis, Merck, Roche, Bayer, Lilly and Bristol-Myers Squibb. While these results varied by country, 49% of European physicians who use the Internet for professional purposes have visited a corporate pharmaceutical site.
The first three points do not surprise me, but the large number of direct email-relationships with pharmaceutical companies and the visits to their websites is certainly surprising to me.
Tecnocrati Tags: trends physicians european
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