Just featured in Internet Resources Newsletter today:
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) is a peer reviewed, open access journal published quarterly by the University of Alberta Learning Services, using the OJS Software. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.
(Also distributed via discussionlist `Evidence based practice to librarianship and information science` EVIDENCE-BASED-LIBRARIES@JISCMAIL.AC.UK )
Current issue articles:
Adding SPICE to a Library Intranet Site: A Recipe to Enhance Usability
Lisa Cotter, Larnich Harije, Suzanne Lewis, Ingrid Tonnison
Employing Evidence: Does it Have a Job in Vocational Libraries?
Cecily Martina, Bradley Jones
Name Authority Challenges for Indexing and Abstracting Databases
Denise Beaubien Bennett, Priscilla Williams
Persuasive Evidence: Improving Customer Service through Evidence Based Librarianship Wendy Anne Abbott
Evidence-Based Marketing for Academic Librarians
Yoo-Seong Song
OK, I think Toolbars are great for quick easy access to search databases, free or licensed databases. Users can use this jumpstart search to get to their preferred search engines direct from their browser window. But not everybody is allowed to install browser plugins or add-ons. To distribute the Toolbar functionality like the search & news options, I create derived widgets that can be used as a whole in many social networks , websites and intranet sites, everywhere where it is allowed to put up html. The PubMed Search & News Widget is the latest one. I just got confirmation from Widgetbox that they approved it. "Derived" in this case, means, the widget is using the PubMed Toolbar installed custom searches and the installed rss-feed of PubMed New & Noteworthy . (re-published from NLM Toolbars Blog ) Tags: pubmed , nlm , search , widget , toolbar , socialnetworks Related articles by Zemanta PubMed Toolbar in the Spotlight (digicmb.blogspot.com) ...