Published ToDay in: Biomedical Digital Libraries 2006, 3:1 doi:10.1186/1742-5581-3-1
Scopus database: a review
Judy F. Burnham
Published 8 March 2006
Abstract (provisional)
The Scopus database provides access to STM journal articles and the references included in those articles, allowing the searcher to search both forward and backward in time. The database can be used for collection development as well as for research. This review provides information on the key points of the database and compares it to Web of Science. Neither database is inclusive, but complements each other. If a library can only afford one, choice must be based in institutional needs.
Content of Scopus
Scopus developers claim to index over 14,000 STM and social science titles from 4000 publishers, stating that it is the "largest single abstract and indexing database ever built". The database claims 4600 health science titles are indexed including 100% MEDLINE coverage, 100% of EMBASE coverage and 100% of Compendex coverage.
The list of titles indexed is selected based on user demand and market research. It contains 27 million abstracts with citations back to 1966. In addition to American journals, it includes European and Asia Pacific literature in both English and non-English. Indexing includes CAS registry numbers, MeSH terms, EMTREE terms and supplemental key terms added by indexers.
I did not read it completely yet, but we all have to!
I am still trying to create and improve the DIGICMB Universe and now they tell me I could also have it as an EMBEDDED Universe INSIDE my own (library) website. Check here the Premium Universe of Le Figaro Newspaper web site called Myfigaro and you will see the Url is: . However, Fred Mini , Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Netvibes , in his French blogs adds "for those interested" that these Premium Universe are "Not for Free"... Read more about Premium Universes at the blog called NETVIBER EXPERIENCE. This Premium Universe gives freedom for more customization and advertising. I will get info on how much it costs soon, i hope. Tags: netvibes , universe , premium , rss , personalisation , sharing , publish , library , libraries , api , widgets , feeds , tab s