You can not deny the influence of "Google Anything" on everything they throw at us. The main reason for librarians to like all this, is the fact that changes in their environment (network, organizational, anything) normally take much, much more time before even getting into BETA ....
And yes,we like the hype of that "Everything 2.0" stuff, wiki's and blogging, but there I want to make a point.
Just a remark really, about not overdoing it, not confusing Google for the company you are working for, or the other way around, you working for Google.
Blogs with ads from Google (or anything) should not become normal among library blogs.
Ok, I admit I tried the Google Adsense/AdWords service for a week to have a look how it works, but it's my opinion that bloggers should refuse to activate this service.
You never now what it will present to your users, and every time they active a link your credits go up.
You could argue that the current library services do the same right now, but get you nowhere moneywise (-;)
I am not convinced these ads add any "added value" to the contents of the blog.
Are you just trying it out, Wouter?
OK, I think Toolbars are great for quick easy access to search databases, free or licensed databases. Users can use this jumpstart search to get to their preferred search engines direct from their browser window. But not everybody is allowed to install browser plugins or add-ons. To distribute the Toolbar functionality like the search & news options, I create derived widgets that can be used as a whole in many social networks , websites and intranet sites, everywhere where it is allowed to put up html. The PubMed Search & News Widget is the latest one. I just got confirmation from Widgetbox that they approved it. "Derived" in this case, means, the widget is using the PubMed Toolbar installed custom searches and the installed rss-feed of PubMed New & Noteworthy . (re-published from NLM Toolbars Blog ) Tags: pubmed , nlm , search , widget , toolbar , socialnetworks Related articles by Zemanta PubMed Toolbar in the Spotlight ( ...
You're the first loud complaint though. I am listening....but
What about the ilead-popups?