I am very surprised the Royal Society of Medicine is using a site like DoctorsGadgets.com to host the online e-learning course to accompany the RSM Press book: The Doctor's PDA and Smartphone Handbook.
I mean, ok doctors always have the interest of the commercial sector, like bees onto honey, but forcing people to even have a look at this site, should be a criminal offence -;) I mean the sheer load of advertisements and the layout make it almost impossible to detect the content you are looking for.
Or is this a way to train young doctors to cope with the future of medical information in the hands of commerce?
Responsible for this site is one of the chairpersons of the workshop for beginners, Dr. Chris Paton(New Media Medicine!)
The more advanced part is chaired by Dr Mo Al-Ubaydli (
Mo.md). He is now a Visiting Research Fellow at the National Centre for Biotechnology Information at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA. He is on the Executive Committees of the UK Heatlh Informatics Society, the Royal Society of Medicine, the international Journal of Surgery and NIH's Biomedical Enabling Sciences and Technologies umbrella group.
Parts of this sessions are available at: http://www.handheldsfordoctors.com/rsm/
But again, be warned, presentations are mixed with books and devices to be sold!
Software, hardware and information for doctors is big business!
TAGS: handheld, computers, mobile, devices