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Digest My "Keep New" items : From E-books via Pubmed, Second Life to EBM and Microsoft

Do you know the feeling something is eating up your time, at work and private? Can you imagine how it feels if you can not do your daily feedreading, digest the content and come up with relevant stuff for your work? (No. it's not a writers block-;) For me it's a combination of being in a process of physical rehabilitation (patellar tendon rupture) and having so many things to do, after being away some time . There is somewonderfull stuff to do for the library. So, this time I made this digest of things that deserve more attention, but I am not abled to do that at this time. These are my "Keep New"items from Bloglines focused around a few topics, with some comments: E-BOOKS New NLM Gateway Resources THE BOOKSHELF By Greg Bodin on general (all entries) From the NLM Technical Bulletin: NLM Technical Bulletin May-Jun 2006 Technical Notes Two New Resources have been added: Household Products Database and the Bookshelf, a growing collection of full text biomedical books. We have a fast growing collection of E-Books. They finally seem to become more accepted as a good alternative to the physical. But the big problem is: visibility. There is no instrument that you can use to find them. Our Metalib configuration is not up to it. I would like to have a extra Tab Find E-Books, next to Find Databases and Find E-Journals to make E-Books (>10.000 including free fulltext) more visible ánd searchable. Libraries are still buying some physical books that are already freely available, but nobody knows. We are trying to make some kind of an overview of this.

Browsing Library Collections: From the Shelf to the Online Catalog By Robert Kieft (EDUCAUSE) Experiments are underway to provide library users with a browsable, electronic Table of Contents for books that are shared in a distributed collection environment....


Which user's life have you changed today? By Kathy Sierra Who in your company gets the emails/stories from your users? Too often the good stories are routed to PR/Marketing (the success stories that make for good testimonials) while the rest of us (programmers, customer service, etc.) get all the... 6 References This should be the question every librarian should ask him/herself everyday béfore going home!

What Students Say About The Library And Research By StevenB on Student Issues Here's a worthwhile podcast (also can be viewed as streaming video) from the library at Arizona State University. They recorded a program featuring five of their students answering a variety of questions about using the library, their research behavior, and their use of technology.The program, Academic Libraries in Transition: Here s What Students Have to [...] GAMES & EDUCATION

Research Center Games (GATE: Game research for Training and Entertainment) The Dutch government decided to give 10 milj. Euro for the research program GATE. It will be conducted by the new Center for Advanced Gaming and Simulation (AGS) van de universiteit Utrecht, de HKU en TNO

See: the original post (in Dutch) Onderzoekscentrum games . By the way, if anybody wants to help me running/developing the Second Life Medical Library 2.0, under direction of the Second Life Library 2.0 project by OPAL (Online Programming for All Libraries) & Alliance Library System , or are just curious about it, mail me!


New blog on PDAs in medical education By Tom Roper on Medicine This is the sort of thing I used to post on the medical education blog: It was launched on Monday and the author, Amir Mehrkar-Asl, says he is going to post "reviews of articles pertaining to the use Here is an instrument that still is NOT getting used massively for e-books, mostly because of the strict personal licencing by publishers. Most doctors still use it just as agenda for appointments.

Top Five Podcasting Articles in Medicine (by Krafty Librarian) Dean Giustini compiled a list of the top five articles discussing podcasting in medicine and health. Giustini noted that while PubMed has quite a lot of literature on handhelds in medicine, there is still very little on podcasting. In addition to listing the top five articles he also has a link to his 2006 CHLA/ABSC Conference (Vancouver, BC) poster abstract, "Podcasting: the future of staying current in medicine?"I am very interested in their poster, I just wish it was going to be at MLA next to my poster, "Integrating and Promoting Medical Podcasts Into the Library Collection." Top Five Podcasting Articles - compiled by Jeremiah Saunders & Dean Giustini(Please go to Giustini's blog for the direct link and brief synopsis of each article)

  • Walton G et al. Using mobile technologies to give health students access to learning resources in the UK community setting. Health Info & Libraries J 2005 22 (Supplement 2): 51-65.
  • Maag M. Podcasting and MP3 Players: emerging education technologies.CIN: Computers Informatics Nursing 2006 24(1): 9-13.
  • Thomas K. Moveable feast. Information World Review (January 2006): 19-20.
  • Gordon-Murnane L. Saying 'I Do' to podcasting: another 'Next Big Think' for librarians? 2005 Searcher 13(6): 44-51
  • Schuerenberg BK. Mobile images music to radiologists' ears. Health Data Management 2005 13(5): 78; 80; 82.


Top-Ten IT Issues, 2006 By Barbara I. Dewey, Peter B. DeBlois, and the 2006 EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee (EDUCAUSE) Abstract:EDUCAUSE presents the findings from its seventh annual Current Issues Survey. For the first time ever, security and identity management has topped information technology funding as the number-one IT-related issue in terms of its strategic importance to the institution.

Modular Software - A Future Source for Healthcare By eHealth In the New York Times today, an article on "Software Out There: THE Internet is entering its Lego era," surveys the Web 2.0 space without getting caught up in jargon or hype. With software being developed by many small companies, the Times article notes, "As a result, computer industry innovation is rapidly becoming decentralized." Among many technologies its cites Googles' APIs for search, etc. and its purchase of Writely. It quotes Tim Bray of Sun as saying "These tools are changing the basic core economics of software development." Ajax is also mentioned and Abode's bridge between Ajax and Flash. With all of these development, where does this leave large HIT software companies? If this trend continues, they will need to follow companies like IBM - adapt to open source tools or be threatened with extinction.Technorati:


Measuring your impact By The Krafty Librarian Yesterday I was at The Ohio State Prior Health Sciences Library attending the class Measuring your impact: using evaluation to demonstrate value taught by Susan Barnes, Acting Assistant Director, Outreach Evaluation Resource Center and Maryanne Blake, Education & Evaluation Coordinator, NN/LM Northwest Region.It was one of the best classes I have taken in a long time and I learned a lot. We medical librarians were not trained or taught to think like people in the buisness world (like our CEO's were) and we as a profession are suffering for it. We need to show how we are relevant to our hospital in terms and concepts that our administration can very quickly see and understand. This class taught that.Two things I learned that I want to share:START NOW! Don't start scrambling to show your importance when you start to see the writing on the wall. Show your importance now and all the time so you have a track record and your library isn't even a consideration when staffing or cuts need to be made. Start thinking and using Cost Benefit Analysis and ROI (Return on Investment) to show your administrators that you are not simply sucking up all the hospital's cash like a department of Dyson vaccuums. It is the language your administration knows, so you should start talking in their language. Stop talking librarian-ese.I noticed that Maryanne P. Blake will be teaching the class at MLA and I highly recommed anybody going to MLA to take this class. It is an eye opener. If you think all this is just to prevent cutbacks your are only partially right. You can use what you learn from the class to possibly increase staffing or funding. At MLA 2005, the poster Showing the Money: Utilizing Dollar Values to Show a Library's Value and Increase the Budget!


Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial By The Krafty Librarian The tutorial, "Evaluating Internet Health Information" teaches users how to to evaluate the health information they find on the Web. It is about 16 minutes long. You need a Flash plug-in, version 6 or above, to view it. If you do not have Flash, the page helps you perform a free download of the software before you start. The tutorial runs automatically, but you can also use the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen to go forward, backward, pause, or start over. The tutorial is linked from the Information for Librarians and Trainers page: Public libraries might find want to link to this on their web page as well as consumer health libraries.

Great starting training for all students!

Technology Support for Evidence-based Medicine By Shahid N. Shah on Miscellaneous I recently attended our local Health TechNet meeting, run by David Main in Virginia, where Dr. Joseph Bormel of QuadraMed presented his thoughts on Evidence-based Medicine. I found the talk englighting but the conversation in the meeting (where there were nurses, physicians, and other practitioners present) even more enlightening. My pet peeve about evidence-based medicine is that most of us concentrate on the reasons why it's hard and how we can't get consensus on many important decisions (which is true). However, because we spend so much time thinking about why it's hard and how it's difficult to get agreement we forget to actually start our projects and try to gain experience with it. Dr. Bormel was kind enough to give me permission to post his presentation online so here it is.

hakia Search Engine Beta By Karen Blakeman Search For Meaning" says hakia's web site. "hakia is building the Web's first "meaning-based" search engine, one that will bring answers and meaningful results to questions on any topic". And then "hakia deploys fuzzy logic (approximate reasoning) methods to allow flexibility so that the Ontological Semantics solution becomes feasible in a Web search application with stringent constraints." That would normally be enough to make me run a mile and avoid it like the plague, but this new search engine had been recommended to me by Alan Pritchard, a fellow Member and Fellow of CILIP. Alan assured me that it found material he had not seen before and was worth investigating.

Web 2.0 Microsoft Live Search Macros (Updated) - Search mashups here we come! By Reg Cheramy on Web 2.0 Companies My favorite new technology I saw at Mix 06 was their Live Search platform. In particular, their Live Search Macros which will allow users to very easily create sophisticated targeted search results. Live Search Macros is one of the smartest things Microsoft is doing in the Web 2.0 space. Today, with their search macro technology, [...]

This is an example of how Microsoft is trying to keep up. How long before the University and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) will offer users a choice in Internet Browser? The wonderful things users can do with Firefox (and other browsers) are just amazing. Librarians should put pressure on the policy makers, IT-departments and everybody who has ány authority to make this happen asap.

An Online Research Toolkit - Exploring Web 2.0 for Library Research By DIRD Unit This afternoon (1pm, Medical Informatics Classroom), we will be viewing the presentation, An Online Research Toolkit - Exploring Web 2.0 for Library Research. This will cover those cool Web-based apps that allow you (and our clients) to conduct many of their research tasks online.

Maybe we should offer our users some kind of online Research Toolbox as well? It seems that users do expect something valuable inside if they read the word Toolkit or -box.


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