This is a post about mentioning a small project about PDAs for Nurses. With the selected content that is offered it would be a great start for something simular here. We could add UMCG protocols as well. It could be a great way to bring the library closer to the nurses.
Nursing Students and PDAs
Post By The Krafty Librarian
After UMASS faculty and librarians noticed nursing students using and relying on traditional medical reference books, systems librarians Apurva Mehta and John Callahan and assistant professor Patrick Scollin decided to create a better way for student to access library resources and texts at the point of care. The UMASS team applied for and received a grant for $18,000 and began a PDA loan program at the campus library. Students began to borrow and use the PDAs while on clinical rotations. The program is now in its second year and there are 35 PDAs for loan at both UMASS Lowell and Boston campus libraries. Five PDAs are held by professors instructing nursing clinical classes and 30 are available for loan to students at each library.The PDAs have 17 Skyscape medical references , including Evidence Based Diagnosis, Griffith's 5-Minute Clinical Consult, and Nurse's Pocket Guide: Diagnosis, Intervention, and Rationales.UMASS chose Skyscape medical references for PDAs because of the patented smARTlink technology. The smARTlink system searches all other Skyscape applications on the PDA to cross reference the material and provide instant access to all information on that topic. (seems similar to federated searching for the PDA)The program is popular with the nursing students and the registered nurses. It seems when the nursing students would show up on the floors with the PDAs the registered nurses would be intersted as well.
See also
OK, I think Toolbars are great for quick easy access to search databases, free or licensed databases. Users can use this jumpstart search to get to their preferred search engines direct from their browser window. But not everybody is allowed to install browser plugins or add-ons. To distribute the Toolbar functionality like the search & news options, I create derived widgets that can be used as a whole in many social networks , websites and intranet sites, everywhere where it is allowed to put up html. The PubMed Search & News Widget is the latest one. I just got confirmation from Widgetbox that they approved it. "Derived" in this case, means, the widget is using the PubMed Toolbar installed custom searches and the installed rss-feed of PubMed New & Noteworthy . (re-published from NLM Toolbars Blog ) Tags: pubmed , nlm , search , widget , toolbar , socialnetworks Related articles by Zemanta PubMed Toolbar in the Spotlight ( ...