Search for :Consumer Health & Patient Education
Another perfect example how the searching of multiple web-based resources on specific subjects can be combined and customized with for instance Google Custom Search.
In relation to the project Consumer Health Information this special CSE on Consumer Health & Patient Education can be very usefull.
I am going to make it available at the blog for the Second Life Libraries, but more interesting will it be to see if we can add it to the main search tool we have in Second Life now, the Library Search HUD (HeadsUp Display) that enables patrons to search in SL, but also in WorldCat and several other resources!
Predictions are that 3d virtual environments, platforms like Second Life, could become the Internet browsers of the future! Are these developments on the long run going to be a welcome threat for the Internet Explorer domination? I guess Bill Gates did not see that coming! Not from that corner.
Every time I read David Rothman's blog I am painfully reminded that I promised him a blogpost on the Second Life Medical Library, long ago.
Believe me David, i want to, and I should, because we now are again a few steps closer to filling HealthInfo Island and with the Talis Cybrary City as special Island in Second Life for the "gathering of library activities", developments are really asking to be discussed in a wide range, not only within medical librarians, but also together with educators, developers, it-people and policy makers.
I am going to make it available at the blog for the Second Life Libraries, but more interesting will it be to see if we can add it to the main search tool we have in Second Life now, the Library Search HUD (HeadsUp Display) that enables patrons to search in SL, but also in WorldCat and several other resources!
Predictions are that 3d virtual environments, platforms like Second Life, could become the Internet browsers of the future! Are these developments on the long run going to be a welcome threat for the Internet Explorer domination? I guess Bill Gates did not see that coming! Not from that corner.
Every time I read David Rothman's blog I am painfully reminded that I promised him a blogpost on the Second Life Medical Library, long ago.
Believe me David, i want to, and I should, because we now are again a few steps closer to filling HealthInfo Island and with the Talis Cybrary City as special Island in Second Life for the "gathering of library activities", developments are really asking to be discussed in a wide range, not only within medical librarians, but also together with educators, developers, it-people and policy makers.