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Evidence-based Library & Information Practice EBLIP4

I am glad to work with someone like Carol Perryman in Second Life (Carolina Keats) and now it turns out she is very much involved in Evidence-based librarianship as well! She is Co-Chair of the EBLIP4 and together with Andrew Booth in the Executive Organizing Committee. She asked me to post about the extension of the Submission deadline. No problem Carol! The Submission deadline for EBLIP4 has been extended to Jan 5, 2007. The Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (EBLIP4) is an exciting international event that has emerged in response to the growing interest among all types of libraries in using the best available research-based evidence to improve information practice. The conference on May 6-9, 2007 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina will be followed by two days of CE. The conference provides a forum for the presentation of high quality papers and posters as well as examples of how EBLIP is being implemented in library and information settings around the globe. EBLIP4 invites submissions for contributed papers and posters including both original research and innovative applications of EBLIP in library and information management. Papers that deal with library support of evidence-based practice in other fields such as health, social work and public policy are also welcome. Additional info may be found at Important Dates January 8, 2006 Submission deadline for abstracts for papers and posters February 11, 2007 Final decisions for accepted papers February 15, 2007 Final decisions for accepted posters March 15, 2007 Submission deadline for full papers *If you have previously experience difficulties in submitting an abstract please try again using the new address provided. Should you have any difficulties, please contact Carol


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