Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ranking of Research Universities : The University of Groningen Ranking

Sibrand Poppema, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, UMCG University of Groningen wrote a general informative short text about the ranking of research universities in the world and shows us a list of his own. "The University of Groningen Ranking is intended to provide insight in which universities have a significant output in a number of scientific fields and have a Citation per Paper ratio that is well above the world average" As justification for the methodology choices he writes:


  • Data were taken directly from Essential Science Indicators (October 2006).
  • Institutions with at least 18,500 publications over the past 10 years were selected.
  • Ranking was based on Citations/Paper as an indicator of quality.
  • A small number of institutions, like NCI, Veterans Administration Center and the Max Planck Society, do not qualify as research universities and were excluded from this list. The ranking of the European universities is indicated in blue.

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