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Showing posts from September, 2007

CMB "Toolbox" in development & Toolbar Update

Here's a short overview of the Library Toolbars use within our institution: QuickSearch CMB Toolbar (27 september 2007): Downloads : 1114 (without the network installations). Daily use is still rising and has an average of 150 simultanous users. The number of searches has risen to around 150 per day and the number of "clicks"/activity is more and more regularly between 450 and 500. Student Toolbar: Downloads: 717 (without the network installations). Daily use is somewhere between 200 and 220 at this time, but still rising. This means over 200 students have their browser open at the same time with the Toolbar active on that day! The amount of searches per day is 100, and the student activity on the Toolbar is very high compared to the "general" toolbar: peaking at 750 right now. CMB QuickSearchBox Making searchfacilities tailor-made is relatively simple if you combine this Toolbar & simple html. The Search boxes can be published on intra-of internet. ...

Tonight Tour of HealthInfo Island & InfoIsland Archipelago!

Tonight at 20.30 (GMT +1 = 11.30 AM SL Time) there will be a gathering of Swedisch Librarians in Second Life around HealthInfo Island. My avatar Namro Orman will give them an extensive tour of HealthInfo Island and the InfoIsland Archipelago. Please feel free to join us! Ask me to TP you if you do not know how to find HealthInfo Island. Here's a link to previously blog posts from inside SL. You can also TP for there. posted by Namro Orman on Healthinfo Island

TV coverage for Virtual Campus SJSU School of Library & Information Science, Second Life

The SJSU School of Library & Information Science (SLIS)Second Life Campus is featured in a QUEST story that did air on KQED 9 and KQED HD on Tuesday, September 25, 2007, at 7:30 p.m. The video of the SLIS portion of the QUEST feature story is below. If you were asking yourself what a Library school could in Second Life, here's a nice example. One of the teachers states that she has not been giving classes in a physical environment for over 6 years now. Tags: secondlife , sl , sjsu , library science , video , campus , distance learning , virtual teaching , SLIS

Second Life Experiences

ā€œRoughly, there are two kinds of people: those who look through technology...and are stretching themselves out to touch the goal and those who want it NOW...and go bah, without even living and breathing in virtual environments, understand and see thru.. .the little glitches. ā€œIt's the first ones that will decide how far developments will go in virtual environments like Second Life.ā€ (after Ramesh Ramloll aka Moriz Gupte, Play2Train) Have a discussion about this at your campfire! It is a challenge to make those two come closer together. Should the library play a leading role in this development? Well, somebody within your organisation should , and if nobody is doing it, libraries should graps this chance to jump in and play a stimulating role. Information architecture, content management, distribution, searchability & maximum findability, that's what we should be focussing on. If you have a state of the art information management systems, integrated, interconnected ...

Proceedings of Krakow EAHIL Workshop 2007 online!

All the powerpoints and pdf's of the fulltext versions of EAHIL Workshop 2007 in Krakow are now online! Here are my favourites: Artur Furtado (European Commission, DG SANCO, Luxembourg) (where is his ppt?) Health Information and eHealth in the EU Andrew Booth (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom). New Breed or Different Species: is the 21st Century Health Information Professional Generic or Specific? Stefan J. Darmoni (Rouen University Hospital, France) Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Health Library Barbara Grala, Witold Kozakiewicz (Poland) Infobrokering and Searching the Deep Web - the New Role of Employee of the Department of Medical Scientific Information John D. Gilbert(Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands) The Library Workforce in a Changing Environment: from Threats to Challenges Ann McKibbon (Canada) Medical Librarians and Research: Myths, Realities, and Opportunities Wouter Schallier (Belgium) Information Literacy in Academic Curricula - A ...

EBLIP Boo(s)th in Krakow

Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) is not new, it just was called Evidence Based Librarianship before. Every librarian should be aware of and have extensive knowledge about this model, as it can support and improve day-today decision-making. The concept got a real boost for a lot of people in Krakow during the EAHIL 2007 Workshop at his fullday CEC called "Using Evidence in Day toDay Practice: an EBLIP Update". Here's the course outline: Overview of EBLIP Burning Questions/Current Issues Sourcing the Evidence The EBLIP Journal Club Making Sound Library Decisions Decision-making tools and aids Although I am convinced every librarian should know and use at least the basics of this model, a greater role should be played by more regional or national health organisations to take part in this. One can not deny that it is a time-consuming activity that many can not practice in day-to-day workload.Re-configuration of tasks and roles seems logic to be able t...

Automatic translation?

I found some post about adding automatic translation to blog post from blogger. But does this only work with NEW posts, not my archive? Oh, now I see! The option appears only on ITEM-LEVEL. So you have to click the blogpost title first, and then you will have a dropdown menu. Great. Or I copy and past the script in this blogpost? Select Language Chinese Arabic French German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish English

Fotoset & Fireworks EAHIL Workshop 2007, Krakow

My fotoset of the EAHIL Workshop 2007 in Krakow can be seen at Flickr. It would be great if others would post their pictures, blogposts, bookmarks too with the TAG : EAHIL2007. That way all pictures and stuff will come together in search. The beautiful firework at Folwark during the Gala Dinner is at YouTube. Although it was pretty dark a small video could be made from some librarians dancing. If anybody does NOT want to be visible on those pictures or movies, please let me know and I will move the picture to a secure directory. Tags: eahil2007 , krakow , poland , folwark library , dancing

EAHIL 2007 Workshop in Krakow so far ...

The EAHIL Workshop 2007 in Krakow is focussed on " Pathways to New Roles ". It started with one full day of Continuing Education Courses (CEC). Most interesting for me, would have been the fullday course on EBLIP Update from Andrew Booth "Using Evidence in Day to Day Practice" But as I was giving two courses myself this was simple not possible. The Weblogs & Mashups course together with Oliver Obst was really fun to do, having 12 medical librarians blogging and playing with RSS-feeds. "Make Your Own Library Toolbar" was a four hour session with 15 people hands-on creating their own Toolbars. Information about the workshop is on the site including the complete schedule Ɣnd the instructional demo's. Together with my colleague Dorine Kieft-Wondergem (who also presented a poster on our student toolbar!) we convinced them you CAN do it in 5 minutes .... Ɣnd that there are so many good things possible, even four ho...

Accessibility Center to Open on HealthInfo Island

See also the press coverage of the Opening The Accessibility Center, a resource for disabled persons in Second Life, will host a grand opening celebration on Sept. 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. SLT at their location on HealthInfo Island. The event will feature tours of the facility, speeches from various center personnel, as well as a panel comprised of Gentle Heron, Lorelei Juno and Carolina Keats. Other activities include discussions on the various exhibits and a live music concert. The Accessibility Center provides continuing education and awareness about disabilities to the residents of and visitors to SL. The information available at the Center includes material about specific types of disabilities, accessibility in electronic games and virtual worlds, as well as assistive technology in the real world. Displays at the Accessibility Center currently focus on mobility, vision, hearing and learning impairments. In-world resources for people with disabilities are also highlighted. S...

Sexual health Sim : Broken Wings Events

Taken from Sl Events Site: Next Wednesday, 12 September 2007, at 12:00 noon SLT/PDT (= 08:00 PM UK Time), Beacon Becloud, will be delivering a live seminar at the University of Plymouth Sexual Health SIM about their new 'Broken Wing, Learning to Fly' project in Second Life. The project provides in-world services for all RL victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence, with two certified counsellors, support groups, and even free in-world housing for those victims (at the Narnia SIM). The project is unique of its kind in SL, as the previous SL project/display entitled 'Silent Witness' and targeting victims of domestic violence is no longer active - Landmarks: University of Plymouth Sexual Health SIM Broken Wing - Narnia Tags: secondlife , sexual health

Medical Blog List on

On the website MedBlog.NL lists of Dutch and English Medical Blogs are published online and ranked. The journal Medisch Contact published about it this week (Ranglijsten medische blogs Publicatie: Nr. 35 - 31 augustus 2007, Rubriek: Scoop - Boeken) Tags: medical , blogs , ranking , medblognl

Netvibes Modules as easy as adding url and html codes : MedWorm example

Do you have nice ideas about offering your users nice tools for their own personal pages? Think about telling them Netvibes! Creating modules or widgets is now as easy as : just adding an url of the pages you want to display, or just pasting the html inside a box and saving Have a look at and see what I mean. As an example I copied part of the html code of the MedWorm TagCloud page , and pasted it into a new External Widget. And to my surprise it just displayed the cloud, just like that ;-). - From my Netvibes Universe , people can add it to their own page or - they get the link and/or html code by email or IM from you as a friend (or librarian) or - you publish the Netvibes module to the Netvibes EcoSystem or - you put the icon with link on your own library website and/or blog. Want to have this too in Netvibes, just click the Netvibes-icon below. Tags: Netvibes , ecosystem , modules , mashup , medworm , user environment , m...