All the powerpoints and pdf's of the fulltext versions of EAHIL Workshop 2007 in Krakow are now online!
Here are my favourites:
- Artur Furtado (European Commission, DG SANCO, Luxembourg) (where is his ppt?) Health Information and eHealth in the EU
- Andrew Booth (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom). New Breed or Different Species: is the 21st Century Health Information Professional Generic or Specific?
- Stefan J. Darmoni (Rouen University Hospital, France) Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Health Library
- Barbara Grala, Witold Kozakiewicz (Poland) Infobrokering and Searching the Deep Web - the New Role of Employee of the Department of Medical Scientific Information
- John D. Gilbert(Universiteit Maastricht, Netherlands) The Library Workforce in a Changing Environment: from Threats to Challenges
- Ann McKibbon (Canada) Medical Librarians and Research: Myths, Realities, and Opportunities
- Wouter Schallier (Belgium) Information Literacy in Academic Curricula - A Case Study of Integration at the Biomedical Faculties of K.U. Leuven University
As I said, I admire your blog and your SecondLife work alot, and thank you for sharing so much valuable information for librarians, patients and studnets.