The EAHIL Workshop 2007 in Krakow is focussed on "Pathways to New Roles". It started with one full day of Continuing Education Courses (CEC).
Most interesting for me, would have been the fullday course on EBLIP Update from Andrew Booth "Using Evidence in Day to Day Practice"
But as I was giving two courses myself this was simple not possible. The Weblogs & Mashups course together with Oliver Obst was really fun to do, having 12 medical librarians blogging and playing with RSS-feeds.
"Make Your Own Library Toolbar" was a four hour session with 15 people hands-on creating their own Toolbars. Information about the workshop is on the site including the complete schedule ánd the instructional demo's.
Together with my colleague Dorine Kieft-Wondergem (who also presented a poster on our student toolbar!) we convinced them you CAN do it in 5 minutes .... ánd that there are so many good things possible, even four hours is too short ;-) We agreed to exchange library toolbar experiences and share developments via the blog.
My pictures of Krakow and EAHIL2007 so far can be found on Flickr.
More on EAHIL2007 later!
Getting Your Consumer Health Information from an Avatar!