The Accessibility Center, a resource for disabled persons in Second Life, will host a grand opening celebration on Sept. 9 from 4 to 6 p.m. SLT at their location on HealthInfo Island.
The event will feature tours of the facility, speeches from various center personnel, as well as a panel comprised of Gentle Heron, Lorelei Juno and Carolina Keats. Other activities include discussions on the various exhibits and a live music concert.
The Accessibility Center provides continuing education and awareness about disabilities to the residents of and visitors to SL. The information available at the Center includes material about specific types of disabilities, accessibility in electronic games and virtual worlds, as well as assistive technology in the real world.
Displays at the Accessibility Center currently focus on mobility, vision, hearing and learning impairments. In-world resources for people with disabilities are also highlighted. Several sitting areas provide a pleasing place to sit for frank discussions on disabilities.
The center is funded by the National Library of Medicine with the University of Illinois at Chicago, Library of the Health Sciences, working in conjunction with the Alliance Library System (ALS). The center has also received funding from, your virtual news network.
ALS is a regional library system located in East Peoria, Ill. The system has 260 member libraries of all types (public, school, academic and special). It provides consulting, delivery service, continuing education, a shared computer system, assistance in writing grants and many other services.
For more information about the Accessibility Center , visit it in-world on HealthInfo Island. To attend the Sept. 9 event, message Lorelei Junot, Gentle Heron or Katt Kongo for a teleport.