Monday, January 21, 2008

Toolbar and Universe offer back-up access to resources!

Today the website of the University of Groningen was unavailable for several hours and people were calling us to find out how they could get access to our library resources. They were not able to surf to any of our resource lists on the web. Even many saved bookmarks and favourites did not work. The maintenance to the CMS of the website caused a little panic under our users. Luckily we could refer them to two ways to get to the most important resources used:

  1. Through our Quicksearch Library Toolbar all search engines and resources were ready for use. No need to know where they come from ....
  2. Through our Netvibes Universe start page people can start searching right away ór take-away the modules/widgets to paste them in their own personal start page.

Downside was that many Netvibes widgets, hosted as html pages, at the RUG-CMS, were not available either ;-( ...., and that our mobile website is using links to this CMB as well, instead of using the Netvibes Universe more. Still some work to do...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is an advantage I'd never thought of so far. Nice read!