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Showing posts from June, 2008

Space Up The Library : The Social Net Works! EAHIL2008

| View | Upload your own The slides of my presentation are online. I think it went well, and we got to show the new Netvibes Universe from EAHIL 2008: It was part of the CEC Power To The User course to fill this Universe, and the participants are still working. I did forget to mention the upcoming presentation on Saturday How to use Web 2.0 technologies in you library instructions Dorine Kieft-Wondergem (The Netherlands) Tags: eahil2008 , eahil , RSS , personal start pages , netvibes , universe , widgets , web2.0 , library2.0 , helsinki , terkko

Helsinki by night

After a very intensive workshop together with Dorine, I was exhausted, and had to evaluate the course, because some things did not work out exactly as we wanted. But on the other hand, this is the new way of learning, by doing, adapting and interaction. Mainly we had too much planned in too little time. We need at least a day!. For some the course layout or concept might have been too loosly organised around the netvibes universe we created together : Some did want a handout, but they did not realize the course layout & content actually was already IN the Universe. The Universe EAHIL2008 will be filled the next days with participants suggestions. Even after the conference you will be abled to follow up on development as will try and give an overview of all possible web2.0 or library2.0 info related to the major health or medicine resources and news out there. If you want to join the groups or suggest stuff: Please feel free to contact Guus or Dorine ea...

European Association of Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) : Google CSE integrated

I just got the message that the EAHIL Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) I created to make a specific search in all previous and current EAHIL (conference) sites possible, is made available as direct search box on the EAHIL official website and the Conference blog from the 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries in Helsinki next week. The search is also available as Netvibes widget, and can be added to your own preferred platform as well. iGoogle Apple Dashboard Opera Windows Vista beta Windows Live beta

Surgery Search Engine

Just found this at : "to provide general surgeons with a wealth of peer-reviewed, practical clinical data and practice information, Contemporary Surgery has partnered with Convera to create this highly specialized vertical search tool. SurgeryFindIt delivers editorially selected Web site searches to the user. Extraneous and unrelated sites have been edited out to yield tightly targeted search results tailored to the interests and needs of surgeons. Searches initiated through SurgeryFindIt will direct searches on surgical resources such as associations, peer-reviewed journals, medical schools and major medical centers, and suppliers of surgical devices." Tags: surgery , search engine , search , portal , medical , health

Search All EAHIL websites: past, present & all docs

European Association for Health Information and Libraries This custom search engine (Google cse) is created to it possible to search for information about and from all EAHIL activities in past and present. It will be available as a Universal widget from Netvibes soon ! This way it can be added to your blog, website or online personal start page Tags: google , health , medical , cse , digicmb , eahil , "European Association for Health"

Search the TICER websites: past, present & powerpoints, all docs!

Digital Libraries Ć  la Carte 2008 Please try the TICER website search above to see previous presentations and workshops, but also the participants and lectures of the new Digital Libraries Ć  la Carte 2008. The search is created via Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) and also as Netvibes widget Tags: ticer2008 , ticer , tilburg innovation centre for electronic resources , digital libraries , ticer08

Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process

(image: We are trying to develop instructional/education use of Netvibes, an online personal start page tool. Therefore this post at by Fred Stutzman is very usefull: New Manuscript: Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process he writes: " For the past two semesters, Iā€™ve taught a course on Online Social Networks at UNCā€™s School of Information and Library Science. It has been a great experience, and Iā€™ve had an incredible bunch of students. This course has also been an experiment, both in subject matter and instructional technologies. Using Facebook ,, YouTube and a wiki, we created courseware from Web 2.0 tools. Now that the course is over, Iā€™ve had some time to reflect on the challenges, pros and cons of integrating these types of tools into instruction. Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies in the Instructional Process (download PDF) is an early manuscript docume...

Study on Use of Social Networks in UK

(Image: Sermo, a social network for docs ) Thanks to TameTheWeb and the LibWorm RSS on Social Networking : " The Ofcom report looks into the impact of social networks on peopleā€™s lives in the UK as part of a wider media literacy campaign and surveyed 5,000 adults and more than 3,000 children. Its statistics suggest that around 19% of all UK youngsters have a presence on a social networking site. ā€œSocial networks are clearly a very important part of peopleā€™s lives and are having an impact on how people live their lives,ā€ said James Thickett, director of market research at Ofcom" The pdf and the story BBC News . Some lines: 49% of children 8-17 have an online profile 22% of 16+ have an online profile On average adults have profiles on 1.6 sites 63% of 8 to 17-year-olds with a profile use Bebo 37% of 8 to 17-year-olds with profile use MySpace 18% of 8 to 17-year-olds with a profile use Facebook 59% of 8 to 17-year-olds use social networks to make new friends 16% of parent...

NLM Gateway Search (all-in-One)

Today I saw a post Ann Kucera from "Web 2.0: Health and Wellness Information " about the NLM Searchbox widget from Widgetbox . She thinks it's ugly and big ;-( Ann, i can make you a special NLM Gateway Search box/widget or a selection of your preferred nlm search tools if want. And we can try and make it as simple as YOU want. Just let me know ;-) The base of all this, is the NLM Toolbar that allows me to to tailor-made work within minutes. Netvibes over Widgetbox Netvibes is my favourite over Widgetbox. Please try this one. I will try and find out why the error occurs in IE from Widgetbox. To add the box to the html Page element of Blogger: have a look at this page -in IE, click page; View source and copy everything between the "form" tags, including the form tags itself. If you need more info just ask. Please try some other widgets at: Tags: nlm , toolbar , library , gateway , ncbi , nih , netvibes , widgetbox ...