Today I saw a post Ann Kucera from "Web 2.0: Health and Wellness Information " about the NLM Searchbox widget from Widgetbox.
She thinks it's ugly and big ;-(
Ann, i can make you a special NLM Gateway Search box/widget or a selection of your preferred nlm search tools if want. And we can try and make it as simple as YOU want. Just let me know ;-) The base of all this, is the NLM Toolbar that allows me to to tailor-made work within minutes.
Netvibes over Widgetbox
Netvibes is my favourite over Widgetbox. Please try this one.
I will try and find out why the error occurs in IE from Widgetbox.
To add the box to the html Page element of Blogger:
- have a look at this page
- -in IE, click page; View source and copy everything between the "form" tags, including the form tags itself. If you need more info just ask.
Please try some other widgets at: