AltSearchEngines is really a site to watch on a regular basis if you want to know about new search engines out there!
Today they post about CME Click . a search engine for Continuing Medical Education. According to the review: "CME Click is neither perfect nor very pretty, but it is a handy tool when a procrastinating physician (or a highly efficient one who has only just been informed about a new mandate) needs to meet a CME requirement as quickly as possible"
Something to give a closer look for sure. Although the review mentiones no available RSS feed, I found that the following page is RSS-enabled:
It looks like all new CME content is published in these nodes. Just give your RSS-feed reader, preferably NETVIBES this url and it will turn in a nice overview of titles. So you can keep up, but unfortunately you can NOT see extra info. The feed is just the titles & links. Some improvement to be done...