Today I had the pleasure to give a talk about Web 2.0 and libraries at the University of Technology Eindhoven at the first library staff meeting dedicted to knowledge exchange, a true knowledge session. They closed all libraries that aftenoon to make sure all staff was abled to come.
At least 45 of them were there! A great turn-up.
One of my goals was to show them that we should just DO web 2.0 stuff. Library staff should have the opportunity to play with it, to learn. So I tried not to talk to much ... and just do some live demo's. I showed that a library toolbar could be made in 5 minute, turn it into a html box and widget, add rss-feeds. (
The second talk was by Karin Clavel by the Technical University Delft Library about her project to research and design a new library search system. It was an inspiring explanation about how to do research in user needs and the translation of that into functional design.
Results of the research is partly published here (in Dutch). The beta site is available at:
Must read:
Download MP3
I am still trying to create and improve the DIGICMB Universe and now they tell me I could also have it as an EMBEDDED Universe INSIDE my own (library) website. Check here the Premium Universe of Le Figaro Newspaper web site called Myfigaro and you will see the Url is: . However, Fred Mini , Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Netvibes , in his French blogs adds "for those interested" that these Premium Universe are "Not for Free"... Read more about Premium Universes at the blog called NETVIBER EXPERIENCE. This Premium Universe gives freedom for more customization and advertising. I will get info on how much it costs soon, i hope. Tags: netvibes , universe , premium , rss , personalisation , sharing , publish , library , libraries , api , widgets , feeds , tab s