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(Re)mix the web by

Netvibes took their mission statement very literally yesterday with our Public page of the Central Medical Library.
The Universe, was -at one moment- almost empty and at least half of our tabs were gone (as in deleted).
I got the biggest scare of 2009 so far ...

After a few minutes, and re-loading the site several times, logging out and -in again, all 150+widgets appeared to be listed in the Tab "Lost &Found".
They really mixed my web up ....
That was sort of a relief. I emailed Netvibes Support and started to make emergency repairs, but made sure I got copies of that Lost & Found tab first.
Next morning after a bad night sleep, all tabs were restored, including my newly made repairs.
The response of Netvibes Support was received very soon:

Dear Netviber, This was due to a desynchronization of your public page with our server. If it happens again, do not move any module and use this url: For any other problem, message or suggestion, do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible. Best regards, A*****
It is good to know. Now you know.


kattebelletje said…
scary indeed! Netvibes does have the hiccups sometimes, that's why I'm still sticking with good'ol' Bloglines, although it is half as pretty.
digicmb said…
I also made a backup of the feeds to iGoogle.

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