The latest issue of the Journal of Eahil contains an article called : Working, Sharing, Communicating, Learning and Teaching with others : the use of Web 2.0 tools for EAHIL Council, Board and Members. The original proposal was written in Januari 2009 by Guus van den Brekel, Ronald van Dieën, Oliver Obst and put to the EAHIL Board in Februari. You can read the edited version for the JEAHIL just below in the first post of this blog. (It is showing a pdf version in a "social publishing tool" called Scribd) This is what we finally are trying to achieve: "The proposal envisioned the following environment where
- appropriate social networking tools for EAHIL members and member organisations are introduced, explained and discussed to understand how useful some of these technologies can be in libraries.
- experiences and reviews of different tools are gathered and published. Aspects to enclose are local differences and trends between EAHIL countries, to learn what the applied use and benefits could be for any medical library, it's staff and its customers/patrons. (Comparable to Library Success Wiki)
- EAHIL members are offered the possibility to explore and play with new technologies, as this is the best way to embrase and actually engage.
- Working, Sharing, Communicating, Learning and Teaching from and with eachother, can be supported."
- Katri Larmo: Information Specialist at National Library of Health Sciences - Terkko and
- Kate Kelly: Chief Librarian at Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. The other members are:
- Oliver Obst: Library Director Zweigbibliothek Medizin, Universitaets- & Landesbibliothek, Muenste, Germany
- Lotta Haglund: Head of Information and Public Relations at
Karolinska Institutet
Karolinska Institutet is one of Europe's largest medical universities. It is also Sweden´s largest centre for medical training and research. Our mission is to improve the health of mankind through ... More »Co. Size: 4,000 Employees: Website: HQ: Stockholm Area, Sweden Industry: Research View Profile - Benoit Thirion: Medical Librarian at Rouen University Hospital
- Guus van den Brekel: Medical Information Specialist at University Medical Center Groningen, Central Medical Library