Second Life: The Key to Futuristic Communication and Patient Care Health Care Collaboration & Community in Virtual Worlds & Second Life
June 16 (Tuesday)
1:30 pm SLT-2:15pm
Health Care New Media Marketing Conference: Connecting to Consumer's in Today's Healthcare Environment
Second Life: The Key to Futuristic Communication and Patient Care
Health Care Collaboration & Community in Virtual Worlds & Second Life
Second only to the general concept of Web 2.0, virtual worlds are the source of more articles in PubMed than any other emerging social technology.
Of the many virtual worlds, Second Life (a free, open source 3d virtual world platform) is the one with the strongest presence in health care communities, from patient groups and medical education to research and professional meetings.
Second Life can enable health systems to create either public or secure private spaces for functions from patient education, outreach, staff training, remote meetings, or more. As with any social technology, understanding the context and norms of the online space are essential to making institutional engagement a success.
In this session, we will look at case studies illustrating how some organizations have used Second Life for communication, collaboration and community engagement.
Perplexity Peccable, also known as Patricia Anderson, is the Emerging Technologies Librarian for the Health Sciences at the University of Michigan, focusing on social technologies and Science 2.0.
In this role she serves as the community manager for Wolverine Island, the University's home in Second Life.
Ms. Anderson is also the senior author of the Medical Library Association Encyclopedic Guide to Searching and Finding Health Information on the Web, with significant expertise in systematic review methodologies.
Taken from email of Patricia F. Anderson To SL & HealthCare Google List
Health Care New Media Marketing Conference: Connecting to Consumer's in Today's Healthcare Environment
Second Life: The Key to Futuristic Communication and Patient Care
Health Care Collaboration & Community in Virtual Worlds & Second Life
Second only to the general concept of Web 2.0, virtual worlds are the source of more articles in PubMed than any other emerging social technology.
Of the many virtual worlds, Second Life (a free, open source 3d virtual world platform) is the one with the strongest presence in health care communities, from patient groups and medical education to research and professional meetings.
Second Life can enable health systems to create either public or secure private spaces for functions from patient education, outreach, staff training, remote meetings, or more. As with any social technology, understanding the context and norms of the online space are essential to making institutional engagement a success.
In this session, we will look at case studies illustrating how some organizations have used Second Life for communication, collaboration and community engagement.
Perplexity Peccable, also known as Patricia Anderson, is the Emerging Technologies Librarian for the Health Sciences at the University of Michigan, focusing on social technologies and Science 2.0.
In this role she serves as the community manager for Wolverine Island, the University's home in Second Life.
Ms. Anderson is also the senior author of the Medical Library Association Encyclopedic Guide to Searching and Finding Health Information on the Web, with significant expertise in systematic review methodologies.
Taken from email of Patricia F. Anderson To SL & HealthCare Google List