Here is some extra info on the Continuing education courses and workshop for medical librarians held in St. Petersburg at the Library of Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies.
Transfer of knowledge VIII: Providing and managing evidence based health information, June 16-18, 2009
The courses were made possible thanks to grants from SMH and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services through the Cooperation Programme on Health and Related Social Issues in the Barents Euro-Arctic Region.
BMJ and Ovid have also sponsored this year's project.
Presentations in pdf:
- Getting Clinical Evidence into Practice. BMJ Clinical Evidence and BMJ Best Practice. Steve Thorpe, BMJ
- The Role of Patient Information in Evidence Based Medicine. Eva Alopaeus
- SMIL Patient Information Database . Tiina Heino
- Free Medical Resources on the Internet (in Russian). List Velta Poznaka
- Google Scholar – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Elisabeth Akre
- PubMed news. Astrid Müller
- The Transfer of Knowledge Project:
- The Lithuanian Experience. Jurate Stukiene
- The Russian Experience. Larisa Zmykhova/ Elena Tikhomirova
- Leningrad Regional Scientific Medical Library in the Project "Transfer of Knowledge" Tamara Monakova / Natalia Zubina
- Managing References. Exercises Tiina Heino
- Open Access:
- Open Repositories / Open Access. Arne Jakobsson
- Russian Consortium. Ekaterina Polnikova
- Open Access initiatives and situation in the Baltic Countries. Meile Kretaviciene
- Russian Library Association: Section of medical and hospital libraries (in Russian). Julija Dresher
- Ovid presentation. Jørn Hope
- Web Technologies for Libraries. Workshop. Karen Buset and Guus van den Brekel
- Semantic Web. Ioana Robu
- The CISMeF project: Catalog and Index of French-language Health Internet Resources: a quality-controlled subject gateway Benoit Thirion
- Cluj New Medical Library. Ioana Robu
Complete programme (pdf) Participants (pdf)
Nordic Baltic Association for Medical and Health Information.
See my pics from St Petersburg and the event.