Without having to install a single Conduit toolbar , you now can select the Apps (toolbar-items cut-up from excisting Toolbars or seperate Apps not belonging to any Toolbar) and construct you own "toolbar". Starting place is the Conduit App Marketplace Let's say for instance that I do not want the complete Webicina Toolbar, but just one or two parts. I would search the App Marketplace for Webicina and See what parts are available as seperate Apps . You would find 4 Apps: Medical Professionals (the menu item with PerSSonalized Search) Empowered Patients (the menu-item with Discover Webicina Search) PeRSSonalized Medicine (the menu-item with PeRSSonalized PUBMED Search) Search PeRSSonalized Here (the widget/gadget with PeRSSonalized Search & links) NOTE: When going to apps.conduit.com you add the Apps to your browser, so you will only see the Apps that the browser with which you browse supports. Currently, the Beta version of the Chrome support of AP...
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