The ICT -term Plan 2010-2014 of the University of Groningen is a Blueprint for IT spending over the next five years in the field of ICT and innovations. The plan is compiled by the university’s ICT Strategy Committee. The plan includes five areas within which ICT is applied research, education, scientific information, organization and infrastructure.
- p.22: (translated) The ICT-strategic committee proposes to give an impuls to the development of the searchtool PurpleSearch for the coming planning period ….
- p.22: (translated) Search Purple adequately supports users in finding information using various Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 technologies.
The application provides Google-like manner direct search and guides the process with adding useful suggestions (recommanderfunctie). In addition,Purple Search can provide facilities such as rapid calculation of impact factors, the addition of abstracts,
abstracts, book reviews, etc. Ultimately, Purple Search will act as a personalized search tool with capabilities of personal alert…. - p.23: (translated) Recommendation 16: The committee recommends the further development of Purple Search 1.5 additional FTE manpower to finance over 2 years, ie k € 225
(Aanbeveling 16:
De commissie beveelt aan voor de verdere ontwikkeling van PurpleSearch 1,5 fte extra menskracht te financieren, gedurende 2 jaar, dat wil zeggen k€ 225.)
This is good news for the further development of PurpleSearch.
Contact us for a demo account, at
Other plans related to the Library:
- create more "Learning Grids" in the University Library Building, simular to the small Grid in the Central Medical Library, originated from University of Warwick Learning Grid.
- development of the Open Course Ware project, makes it important to think and work on copyright more.
Nice initiative: "Network of Information Centers for copyrights"Watch the Movie: Author rights, your rights - but also on (mobile) distribution of content within the University, maybe even use iTunes U (for Universities, like TU Delft and OpenUniversity
- run a project on Ranking of Universities and it's scientific output
( RUG Page on Ranking | webometrics | TopUniversities |
Other major investments in the plan that the commission proposes:
- keep investing in the supercomputer BlueGene and the Linux cluster,
- do invest more in storage and processing large amounts of data,
- show at least four hundred courses on the OpenCourse Ware WWW services,
- do more to video lectures,
- build a good Service Oriented Architecture for administrative systems.