In a recent email it was explained that NARCIS, National Academic Research and Collaborations Information System now offers RSS-feeds for search results, or even a widget you can embed in your website or blog
I think it is interesting to keep up what is entered into NARCIS by or about the UMCG.
So the search "universitair medisch centrum groningen" OR UMCG", gave me 101 results divided in 6 tab-results
Every set of results can be saved as RSS feed, embedded or added to your Favourites, EXCEPT the "ALL Sources".
I tried to merge these 5 rss-feeds into one via and it seemed to work.
You can see the result on the UMCG Web Presence Scan Public Page; Publications Tab
I think it is interesting to keep up what is entered into NARCIS by or about the UMCG.
So the search "universitair medisch centrum groningen" OR UMCG", gave me 101 results divided in 6 tab-results
Every set of results can be saved as RSS feed, embedded or added to your Favourites, EXCEPT the "ALL Sources".
I tried to merge these 5 rss-feeds into one via and it seemed to work.
You can see the result on the UMCG Web Presence Scan Public Page; Publications Tab